The Milk Run

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After dark, Sam had given the book a rest and was going through the news on his computer. "Dean, I think I found a case." He said sleepily. 

"A case? We're on a case. The apocalypse case." Dean said incredulously. 

"I know Dean but it's a total milk run, a woman was killed in her house, locked doors, security system armed, and the house is built on an old Native American burial ground." Sam raised his eyebrows waiting for Dean to come to the same conclusion as him. 

"So you're thinking it's some sort of spirit thing? Salt and burn?" Sam nodded, 

"Bingo. It's on the way, we should be hitting the town in about an hour and there's a motel right on the edge of town." Sam said with finality. 

"What about the lead on Pestilence?" Dean asked worriedly.

"We'll send Cas. We're just supposed to be checking it out and the only reason he's not there already is because you insisted on driving." Sam said casually. Dean felt something twist inside him as Sam said that. For the first time in hours, he peaked on Cas in the rear view. He was fast asleep, wings cradling himself curled up on the seat and snoring softly. Dean felt his breath catch. 

"It's not a good idea." he said finally. Sam looked up from his computer and scoffed. 

"You know what Dean, you can pretend all you want but it's not going to change your feelings. We can handle one ghost and Cas can chase after the Pestilence. Unless you'd rather take Cas on the ghost hunt and I'll go after Pestilence?" Sam raised an eyebrow. Before Dean could respond Sam answered for him. "Actually, I think I'd prefer to look after the apocalypse level stuff, you can show Cas the ropes with hunting and since it's a milk run you'll be right behind me." Sam nodded at his own idea. He turned around over the seat before Dean could respond and shook Cas awake. 

"What's the matter?" He asked in a raspy sleepy tone that made Dean catch his breath. 

"Nothing Cas just wanted to let you know that I found a quick case for you to handle with Dean and I'm going to go ahead and look into the horsemen thing. Sounds okay?" He smiled at Cas and Cas nodded back before curling up to go back to sleep. Dean shook his head with a sigh. This isn't going to go well.

An hour later, they had arrived at the town and by two hours later, Dean was in a bed, Cas was asleep in a bed and Sam was asleep on the couch. Dean wasn't asleep though. He was tossing and turning. He didn't understand. He was exhausted from driving and he just wanted to sleep. But he couldn't. He groaned, annoyed. In hindsight, he should've remembered that Cas was a pretty light sleeper. 

"Dean?" He said groggily. 

"Go back to sleep Cas." He said sternly. 

"Why aren't you asleep?" Cas asked, sitting up. Dean sighed. 

"I don't know." Cas got out of bed and came over to sit on Dean's bed. 

"Do you want me to sing?" Cas said softly. 

"Sing?" Dean questioned. 

"Yes, like your mother did when you were young." When Dean made a confused face he added, "it was one of the memories I saw. I didn't go looking for it like you asked, it was already on the surface." Dean looked away afraid to admit that he did want Cas to sing. 

"It's fine, I didn't mean to wake you up." He rolled over so he was facing away from Cas.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better."

Dean didn't turn back over, just kept his eyes firmly shut. After a minute, he forgot why he was so afraid. He forgot everything and drifted off to sleep, Cas's voice floating through his mind. 

I like this part plus it's adorable that Dean's mom used to sing him Hey Jude as a lullaby.

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