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"Y/N, wakey wakey!" I hear a voice shout before someone begins jumping on my bed

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"Y/N, wakey wakey!" I hear a voice shout before someone begins jumping on my bed. My eyes squeeze together tightly feeling annoyed more than ever knowing I was being woken up even when I was sleeping peacefully, or somewhat peacefully. Hell, when do I ever sleep peacefully. "Y/N! Come on, dada's making yum yums!"

More bouncing, more jumping occurs and I shake my head turning on my side, grabbing my pillow with me and pulling it over my head, trying to shield my eyes from the daylight. But once I do I hear foot steps in the hallway then at my door, followed with a couple knocks.

"Toby come on-" my father's voice spoke causing my little brother to stop jumping up and down. A low, barely audible sigh escapes my lips feeling the mattress move as Toby hops off of it. "Y/N, come on. You've got school."

I stay how I am, keeping my eyes closed, my pillow over top of me. I felt quite cozy and maybe if I don't answer he'll just go away and I won't have to go to school even if it is the first day of my senior year. What even is the point? School's useless. I learn more on YouTube and t.v then I do in the bloody building.

Within seconds I feel the blanket that was once wrapped around me pulled off of me causing chills to flood my body. Swiftly I tear the pillow off of my face and sit up, locking eyes with my father's.

"Same thing every single day for school Y/N," my father said and i rolled my eyes as he tossed me my blanket back.

"Why do I even have to go? It's literally pointless and I have all my credits," I respond, looking up at my father who shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah you do but you also got into a fight sophomore year and missed a class, so now you have to make that up."

"Okay yeah, but the other classes? I'm taking pointless classes dad. None of which I want to do outside of that hell hole."

"First language-" my father says and I put my hands up in defense before a sigh escapes his lips. "Look, it's your senior year. All I'm asking is for you to have fun and pass with at least a C+ average. Please." Silence fills the room as he eyes me, awaiting a response. I just nod and look away from him hearing little footsteps running into my room. I turn my head and look to little Toby who has a huge smile across his lips with his little black and red flannel on and his hair done. A small smile tugs on my lips as his little eyes light up looking from me and our dad.

"Dada dada! Sissy Kitty's here!" Toby spoke excitedly beginning to jump up and down. The name of Kitty rings inside my head knowing my friend was here, however my father tilted his head.

"And now how do you know that Tob?" Dad questions and a devilish little smile escapes Toby before he flies out the door. I furrow my brows before a soft chuckle escapes. My father shakes his head and glances over his shoulder to me, pointing at me while giving me his stern look. I nod understanding that I had to get up and look presentable. He nods and gives me a thumbs up before heading out of my small bedroom, going after Toby. It's been like this for 2 years ever since mom passed away. Dad and I looked out for one another, while also raising Toby at the age of 3. He doesn't remember her, but I do obviously. And while most days it sucks, the other times I'm able to handle it.

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