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Kat: Okay where the hell are you? R u ditching me? Hello? Earth to Y/N?! Bishhh are u dead?

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Kat: Okay where the hell are you?
R u ditching me?
Hello? Earth to Y/N?!
Bishhh are u dead?

I see the messages as they pop up on my phone. It seems like every five minutes a new message comes through. I lay on my side on my mattress, staying under the covers, my hoodie up. My eyes were heavy and tired. I couldn't sleep once again last night so I found myself just staring at the wall. And I'm thankful it's cloudy out and it's beginning to rain because I don't know if I could handle it being sunny.

My phone goes off again and I glance back down at it, tearing my eyes from the wall. There I see another text from Kat.

Kat: Ok seriously. Y/N I'm actually freaking out.
Plz tell me you're okay.
You didn't answer me yesterday either
and now you're not answering again and you're not at school.

A low sigh escapes my lips as I grab my phone and unlock it. Quickly I pull up Kat's messages and type a message quickly while glancing at the time. She's almost heading to third period.

Me:  I'm fine Kat. Just feel a little sick.
All is good

I shut the phone back off and lay it back down before reaching for the remote control and turning on the tv that's mounted on the wall. The tv turns on brightening up the room. Immediately the news pops on and I quickly change it. I hate watching the news. It's always so depressing. Instead I start scrolling through till I find Criminal Minds on. I shrug and out the remote down, burying myself back into my blankets before hearing soft knocks on my door.

I peak out of my cover and see the door open slowly. From there I'm met with Toby's big eyes.

"Hey T," I says my voice low. A big smile spreads to his lips as he walks into the room with a water bottle.

"Mrs. Peters told me to bring you some water," Toby said cheerfully getting over to me. I give my brother a small smile as he stands on the side of my mattress. I reach up and take a hold of the cold water bottle thanking the boy. He nods and looks at me before looking to the tv. "Can we watch a movie?" His eyes come back to me and I feel my eyes soften nodding my head.

"Yeah of course buddy," I gently said and his face lit up.

"Okay! Let's go!" Toby shouts as he takes off towards the door and out. A small smile lingers on my lips as I sit up and take the blanket off of me. I'm glad I still had on sweats and a hoodie or I would have felt weird. I mean I still kind of do. I wanted to stay where I was but at the same time I couldn't tell Toby no. So I get up, turn my tv off and head out the room.

Slowly I make my way down the stairs hearing Toby telling Mrs. Peters that me and him are going to watch a movie. Bryan, Mrs. Peters son was at preschool, something Toby would be going to next year.

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 {𝒜.𝒟.𝒞 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now