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"I'm literally going to die from starvation!" Kat exclaims as she sits down across from me

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"I'm literally going to die from starvation!" Kat exclaims as she sits down across from me. I look up from my journal and look to her seeing her opening up a brown paper bag. Once it's open she begins pulling out Doritos, Oreos, potato chips, and a monster energy drink. My eyes grow wide looking at her choices as she opens her Oreo package and takes one out shoving it into her mouth.

"And it seems you still don't have a stable food in take even when your mom got on your ass," I say shaking my head.

"Yeah well, I like my junk food. Bite me!" Kat spoke opening her drink and taking a big gulp. I shake my head again and look down to my journal closing it and sliding it back into my bag. "What were you writing this time?"

A low sigh escapes my lips as I lean forward on the lunch table and lean against my arms. "Oh just how much im deeply in love with Katherine Danvers!"

"Oh my my! I knew it all along!" Kat responded and added. "I mean who could resist me!" She reaches up her hand and flips her dark brown hair over her shoulder. I roll my eyes and shift chuckling a bit.

"Mr. Laker," I say and Kat's eyes go directly on me, her smile immediately gone. I bite my lip and hold back my laughter as the girl shakes her head, squinting her eyes.

"That's cold, real cold Y/N."

"Not as cold as your heart." Kat's eyes go wide and I let a laugh escape my lips this time not able to hold it back. But I try to, looking away from my best friend whom's eyes I can still feel on me. I knew if she could she'd send daggers through me.

"Damn. That- Just damn." I stop laughing picking up my head. A proud smirk stays against my lips as I look back to the girl who downs her chips, every now and then taking a big gulp of her drink. I swear that girl could down like 5 monsters in like 3 minutes or less. I'm surprised it's not gone by now.

"So, you got to hang with the new teacher?" Kat wiggles her brows and I furrow mine.


"When Mr. Yates took you out of class you went to the new teachers room didn't you?" Kat looked back and forth between my eyes. I drop my head and nod. "Exactly. So? How is she? Is she nice? Does she smell like vanilla? I feel like she'd smell like vanilla. She seems soft."

"Okay what the hell Kat? Who just-"

"Girl first time I seen you I expected you to smell like garbage, you always dressed in sweats and hoodies. But turns out you smell like... Well when I first met you you smelled like oddly baby oil and then that pumpkin smell. Oh and there that was that one scent from bath and body I sprayed all over you. Now that—that was some good shit," Kat went on cutting me off. My eyes stay sort of wide looking at her.

"You're so weird sometimes," I say and Kat nods, stuffing her last Oreo into her mouth. "But I don't know. She smelled like- Shit I don't know. I was only fixing her stupid smart board."

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 {𝒜.𝒟.𝒞 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now