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I close the door gently and begin tip toeing towards the stairs but stop when the light from the kitchen catches my eye

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I close the door gently and begin tip toeing towards the stairs but stop when the light from the kitchen catches my eye. I stop walking and turn my head to lock eyes with my father who looked pissed.


"You had detention? Then you skipped detention for some job!" My dad raises his voice. I stay quiet, biting my lip. "What the hell Y/N? I ask for one thing since your sophomore year! One thing. Stay out of trouble!"

"Dad, I didn't do anything! Some kid-"

"Some kid pushed your buttons and you went off on him and then you went off on your teacher!" My dad cuts me off standing up and slamming his fists down onto the desk. I flinch, jumping back biting my lip. I look down to the ground shaking my head.

"Dad, I'm sorry. My boss needed me."

"Your boss needed you? Y/N, work isn't important right now. Graduating should be your top priority!"

"I have the job to help you pay the bills!" I shout finally picking up my head locking my eyes with my father's. His eyes flick back and forth between mine and I shake my head. "I saw the papers dad. I know we're struggling."

"That's not your job. You're the kid, I'm the father and starting now you're grounded."

"Grounded? You're kidding right?"

"No. Your teacher expects you to be in detention for the next two weeks after school till 3:30-4. You'll go there and then you'll come straight home."

"Dad, my job-"

"Save it!" He cuts me off and holds up his hand. "Now go to your room. Get some sleep seeming as you think it's okay to come home at 2:30 in the morning." I stay silent looking at my father shaking my head. I bite my lip holding back from speaking but instead of going upstairs I head straight towards the front door. "Y/N! Y/N don't walk out that door!"

I swing the door open and walk out before feeling my father grab a hold of my wrist stopping me from taking off. I turn and pull my arm but he had a tight grip.

"Let go!" I shout, pulling and grabbing his hand trying to pry it off of me.

"Y/N, stop!" My father speaks reaching up his other hand grabbing my shoulder a bit. Not as harsh as I thought he would. "You need to stop! You can't be acting out like this!"

"Like what?"

"Like you did when your mother passed! It's almost been 2 years! She's gone!"

"Yeah and it's my fault!" I shout finally getting my father to get off of me. "That's why I went off on that dumb kid! He brought up mom! Now leave me alone!" I turn on my heels and take off down the street hearing my father shout my name but I shake my head continuing to run in the rain.


I stand on Kat's porch at 6:30 in the morning feeling cold and wet from the rain. I didn't really sleep. I couldn't bring myself too. I was an idiot. I should have just went to my room when my father told me too, but I can't take it back now. I ran and now here I am knocking gently on Kat's front door. I take a step back and cross my arms over my chest waiting before the door opens and Kat's mother opens the door with shock and concern at first then relief.

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