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My eyes flutter open feeling a hand squeeze my own

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My eyes flutter open feeling a hand squeeze my own. Slowly as my eyes start peeking open I turn my head towards the right locking eyes with Alycia's head down. A small smile spreads to my lips as i gently move causing the girl's head to fly up, locking our eyes immediately.

"You're an actual idiot," Alycia says first thing.

A chuckle breaks through my lips as I shake my head. "Hello to you too," I respond watching her head shake back and forth.

"He could have killed you. Why would you-"

I squeeze the girl's hand causing her to stop talking. She does, thankfully and I gently shake my head. "I wanted him to react that way."

"Why? Y/N you put your life in danger."

I nod. "Exactly. I knew my dad would come over especially after I told him Mark hurt you. My dad has zero tolerance for men hitting women and if I told him I'd be helping you move out of your apartment you really think my father would leave me alone knowing Mark could be there?"

Silence fills over us as I watch her head shake back and forth, sitting up in the seat. "You're still an idiot."

"Hm maybe but it worked didn't it? You're free." Hopefulness filled me as I looked at Alycia. She slowly nods her head back and forth as a calming smile washes over my lips. "See then the plan worked. All is good."

"God I love you..." Alycia's voice got quiet as realization hit her of what she just said. My eyes go slightly wide before my lips just turned into a big smile though it hurt a bit.

"I love you," I respond back, Alycia's green eyes meeting mine. Without hesitation Alycia goes to lean forward when a couple knocks appear at the door. Alycia sits down and both of us look to the door. There my father stood glancing back and forth between the both of us. But what was odd was the small smile on his lips.

"First off, kiddo don't ever put yourself in that situation again. Are you stupid?" My father says and I shrug as he nods. "And secondly I'm glad you two are both alright. And Mark's going to be going away for a while. The court date was terminated but he came to a plea bargain. You're safe Alycia."

"Thank you... Thank you both," Alycia says looking back and forth between me and my dad. I nod so does my father. I squeeze Alycia's hand realizing we were still holding each other's hand and that's when my father clears his throat. My head turns towards his as he closes the hospital room door walking further into the room.

"I over heard you two in here-" he pauses a moment and fear sank into me. "While it's wrong for a teacher and a student to be together I see how much love you two have for one another. I can't deny love. Especially the kind of love your mother and I had Y/N."

"What are you trying to say dad?" I ask, after a moment.

"I'm saying while I don't agree with it you're 18 and almost graduated in a couple months. If you two can wait until after graduation, then I see no problem of you two having a relationship. A smile spreads to my lips as I turn my head towards Alycia who looks shocked at my father's words. Her head slowly turns towards me and our eyes locked. "After graduation though."

Alycia and I nod, smiling at one another before looking back to my father as he looks back to us before a nurse walks in. Her and my father beginning to talk as she checks over my wounds. However as the two of them talk my eyes turn to Alycia's meeting them instantly. A gentle smile placed over her lips as one spreads to my own. 

{9 months later}

"Just trust me!" I exclaim placing Alycia in front of me.

"You told me to trust you last week too and then you sprayed me with a hose," Alycia exclaims standing at the railing shaking her head. A chuckle escapes my lips as I adjust the camera in my hands.

"Well, it was funny and besides you loved it!" I say back tilting my head to the side. Alycia shrugs and I roll my eyes. "Now come on! Strike a pose Ms. Debnam-Carey."

"Fine!" Alycia exclaims striking a variety of poses. A smile lingers to my lips as I pick up the camera and begin flashing watching her dance around with a huge smile on her face. It's been 5 months since graduation. Since then me and Alycia have been having the best time of our life. I've had dinner with her mother and even met her brother. Alycia came over to dinner at my house with my brother and father a couple times. And when I had broke the news to Kat that Alycia and I were dating she completely lost her mind. It was funny but also concerning. But by the end of it she was glad that I found somebody even though she hasn't. I hope she does though instead of third wheeling most nights with me and Alycia.

"So why are we taking these pictures?" Alycia asks as I pull the camera down from my face.

"Well if you must know-" I pause a second walking towards her pointing out to the distance. She follows and I let go of the camera, gently placing it on the ground as I get down on one knee and pull a ring out from my back pocket. "I thought that the best way to do this was from up here..."

At my words Alycia turns around and looks down at me immediately widening her eyes as her eyes swiftly look to the ring to my eyes. Her eyes quickly cover her mouth and I could see tears filling her eyes.

"Our relationship started very shaky. I gave you a lot of shit which you gave me a lot of shit. You were my teacher and I was your student but since the first day we met that didn't matter. We went through a lot of hell. Things we shouldn't of but somehow, someway it brought us closer together. And with each day that passes, each day I spend more with you the more my heart and I fall in love with you. I am in love with you and I always will be-" I pause a moment feeling tears trickle down my cheeks. "Neither one of us are perfect, some will say this is wrong. But that's what makes us so perfectly wrong for one another. There is no one in this world I want that with other than you Alycia Debnam-Carey. So will you do me the honors of marrying me?"

Alycia's eyes are full of tears as I see her head nod up and down fast. A huge smile spreads to my lips as she removes her hands from over her mouth and releases a very shaky yet happy yes. I bite my lip and take the ring out of the box slipping it onto her ring finger before standing. Her arms instantly wrap around my neck and my arms wrap around her waist pulling her in, our lips locking fast knowing this is our perfectly wrong ending but also our perfectly wrong beginning.

The End

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