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"Alycia- What the hell? Did you follow me?" I ask, looking back and forth between the woman's eyes as I see her make her way into the barn a bit more

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"Alycia- What the hell? Did you follow me?" I ask, looking back and forth between the woman's eyes as I see her make her way into the barn a bit more.

"Yes but only because I was worried," Alycia said, stopping a few feet away from me. I clench my jaw and gently shake my head from side to side.

"Worried? You can't just-"

"I know, I know," Alycia says cutting me off, putting up her hands in defense taking another step forward. I watch her do it, glancing down to her feet then back up to her face. "I know that you are struggling right now but we need to talk about what happened Friday."

"Which part? The way you stumbled into the bar I work at, beaten and bloody? Or the fact your boyfriend was there?" I ask, glancing back and forth between her eyes.

"When we kissed," Alycia responds and I swiftly look away from the girl's eyes, shaking my head. I drop it taking a step back. "You know-"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say cutting her off swiftly. I pick my head up slightly, instantly locking our eyes. Alycia's eyes shift frantically between my eyes and I shrug, grabbing a hold of my book bag straps gripping onto them tightly.

"You do though Y/N... But I have to say that if you want to forget it happened then fine. I'll forget it too, but you can't-"

"Can't tell anyone because if I do you lose your job," I say cutting her off again but then shrug my shoulders replaying what she had said. "But I don't want to forget it..." I mumble seeing Alycia's head tilt to the side.

"What?" Her voice was low, as her eyes flicked back and forth between mine. But I shook my head dropping my gaze to the ground.

"I should go," I say back, beginning to walk towards her so I could pass. As I was walking past her I felt her fingers wrap around my arm stopping me. I thought I'd flinch but I didn't. Instead I was frozen as my head slowly turned to face her. Our eyes locked and I felt myself slowly becoming relaxed.

"I don't want to forget it either," Alycia whispers, causing my eyes to go wide. I gulp down the saliva that's build up in my mouth. My eyes look back and forth between Alycia's eyes. "And I know it's wrong."

"Damn right it is," I whisper slightly awkwardly chuckling seeing a small smile crack onto Alycia's lips. "

She nods her head up and down slowly. "I'm sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing. I kissed you." Alycia's eyes to soft as the words escape my lips. Silence fills the space and the air around us before I feel her hand lift off of my arm. I glance down to where her hand was but as I go to look back up I feel both of her hands cup my face before I feel her lips against mine. This time the kiss is more passionate, still sweet and soft. But it's passionate and amazing. I kiss back gently placing my hands on the woman's hips slightly pulling her closer to me. I could feel her gently smile through the kiss causing my stomach to flip.

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