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"Don't look now but English teacher is giving you the looks," Kat says sitting down at the lunch table

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"Don't look now but English teacher is giving you the looks," Kat says sitting down at the lunch table. I pick up my head and roll my eyes at the girl, turning around slightly to lock eyes with Alycia's. When our eyes lock there's a slight hesitation from us both before the girl gives a small smile and nod, turning away and continuing conversation with a couple students. I look down to the ground and turn back around, avoiding Kat's eyes. "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" I ask stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"You look at her, she smiles and now you're not looking at me-" Kat pauses then lowers her voice. "Did you two... fuck?"

"Kat Jesus. No!" I exclaim picking my head up and looking to the girl. A few eyes around us look at us and I sink my seat shaking my head and look directly at Kat. "You told me she was looking over here, so I looked. She simply smiles then goes back to her conversation. Big deal."

"Mhm, then why are you being so weird lately?" I shrug my shoulders and look away from my friend. Her eyes lingered on me, I could feel them sinking into me causing me to shift uncomfortable till I hear her stand up. I slightly pick up my head and see her sliding across the table. My eyes go wide and she grabs my arm pulling me up from my seat. I go willingly seeming as I had no choice and she drags me all the way to where Ms. Debnam-Carey stood talking to two other students.

"Ms. D.C! Hey hey!" Kat said all cheerfully as I shrug the girl off of me. She lets go and the two students who had been talking to her walked away. Alycia turns towards us and I look away, shoving my hands into my hoodie pocket, clenching my jaw.

"Hey," Alycia says with a warm smile. I couldn't see it but I could just tell by the way she said Hey.

"Can I ask you something teach?" Kat asks and I feel myself become worried. I pick up my head slightly looking to Kat while seeing Alycia nod her head gently out of the corner of my eye. "What's going on with Y/N?"

Silence surrounds the three of us and I shake my head from side to side as Kat looks between Alycia and I. I could feel Alycia turn her gaze to me but I kept my eyes on Kat before looking to the ground.

"Im not sure I understand," Alycia responds a sense of confusion in her tone. But she did know what was going on. Well some of it.

"Oh come on. She has detention with you. I know you two talk. She's- Come on Y/N you've had to have told Ms. D.C something."


"I'm not dumb dude. Somethings wrong. I know Ms. D.C knows. So one of y'all are going to tell me," Kat said cutting me off. I shook my head from side to side.

"Kat, I admire how concerned you are with your friend but if something was wrong don't you think your friend would tell you? If they aren't it's probably because they feel scared or embarrassed, possibly worried too about the matter or how you'll respond," Alycia explains keeping her tone gentle, sweet. My eyes slightly pick up from the ground and slowly to Alycia who's green eyes were looking back and forth between Kat's.

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