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The bell rings and I slide down into my seat

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The bell rings and I slide down into my seat. It's been a miserable day without Kat. I haven't talked all day, except well to Toby when I was walking him to daycare. But other than that literally nobody.

"Watch out!" Someone shouts as I feel something hit my head. I jump a bit and pick up my head from my phone seeing Michael and his posey chuckling glancing over towards me.

"Really?" I shout my voice dry as I look down at the balled up piece of paper. I bend over and grab it opening it up finding a drawing of me that had words of dyke, slut, and a bunch of other things that involved my mother and my family. I didn't care that it called me names but my family. You don't mess with that, so I stand up and slam the paper down. "You asshole!"

The whole class goes quiet as my eyes instantly go to Michael's seeing him still laughing. "Awe, is someone's feelings hurt?"

"Your face is going to be hurt in .2 seconds!" I shout walking towards his desk. As I make my way to him he stands, an amused smirk creeping onto his lips. I stop in front of him and shake my head, both of our eyes shifting back and forth between one another's and without warning I through a punch hitting him square in the face. The room escapes into gasps as Michael's head flies back and slowly comes back forward. He clenches his jaw, his smirk had vanished as he shook his head.

"Now would mommy be okay with you punching-" Before he could finish I threw another punch and then tackled him. We fall to the ground, gasps echoing the walls before kids started chanting 'fight, fight, fight!' Their voices go faint to me, in my ears as I focus only on Michael throwing punch to punch but Michael dodges it, putting his arms up in front of his face. But I kept swinging as hard as I could before feeling him push me and then kicking my stomach hard with both of us feet. A scream of pain escapes my lips as I feel my back hit the ground. People will still chanting but all I heard was faint voices. My eyes were closed as I turn onto my side, wrapping my arms around my stomach before feeling colds hands go through my hoodie.

"Y/N? Hey hey hey," a voice spoke gently next to me as I felt a hand on my cheek rubbing their thumb back and forth. I open my eyes and shake my head from side to side.

"I-I'm fine," I whisper continuing to shake my head, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip locking eyes with Alycia's green ones. "I'm fine." I stay it again without stuttering pushing myself to sit up. Alycia helps me and I glance around seeing everyone standing around, all but Michael. I shrug it off and look away from everyone looking down at my stomach.

"Alright everyone. Class is outside today. There's a guest speak out front of the school, just head on out," Ms. Debnam-Carey said. The whole class gathering their stuff then heading out. I bite my lip and use a desk to get to my feet. Alycia goes to help me but I shake my head.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I put up my hand keeping my eyes away from the woman, but could feel her eyes on me.

"But you're not. You just got into a fight," Alycia said, keeping her voice cam but I knew she wanted to speak louder.

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