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{A Week Later}

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{A Week Later}

Knocks appear at my door but I don't flinch, I don't move from the spot I lie in. My eyes stare out the window, watching the rain droplets run down the window. But my mind stays blank, my eyes stare, nothing past them. And I hear a voice from outside the door but I can't make it out. I don't want too, yet then again I know I can't stay in this position forever. But right now, it's the only place I feel comfort. I feel safe.

"Y/N? Hey, it's me. Can you open the door," a soft voice spoke. I blink a couple times tearing my eyes from the window and glance to the door. I stare at it for a long moment before seeing something slipped underneath the door. Slowly I push myself up and feel sick, but I push myself and toss the blanket off of me gently tiptoeing towards the door bending down when I get to the note. I grab it and open it up letting my eyes scan it.

Pack a bag, meet me downstairs.


My eyes squint and I tilt my head, reading it over and over. I sink my teeth into my crusty, dry lips immediately licking them afterwards as I stand up and go to head away from the door when I hear soft knocks appear again. I stop walking, hesitating letting my eyes linger on the door. A moment passes and there's no more knocks. No more anything really. That's when I glance down to the note in my hand. And without realizing it I'm heading to my closet. I don't bother slipping out of the clothes I'm wearing. I do however slip on shoes and grab a empty book bag, before shoving a couple shirts in, a couple hoodies and a pair of jeans and a pair of sweats, along with a pair of pajamas. When I finish I grab headphones and a charger shoving it in too before exiting the closet and heading out the closet to my bed. I feel weak just walking, makes sense since I haven't left my bedroom in a week.

A low sigh escapes my lips grabbing a hold of my phone before heading to the door. Slowly I unlock the door and head out. The house is pretty quiet as I make my way down the hall and to the stairs. As I head down then I spot Alycia and my father talking, but my head tilts to the side as my eyes trail Alycia seeing normal clothing on her. I've only seen her wear skirts, dressy pants and dresses. The jeans, the flannel, plain white t-shirt definitely a look.

"Y/N," my father says causing me to tear my eyes from Alycia and switch over to my father. I stop on the last step glancing back and forth between the both of them. "Um, how you feeling? You okay?" My father walks towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders. I watch his eyes shift back and forth between mine as I gently nod my head. He nods back slightly pulling away. He glances over his shoulder to Alycia who stands at the front door.

"Hey Y/N," she gently says giving me a small smile. I nod gently looking away and to the ground.

"So... Your teacher here thought of a good idea," my father starts. I pick my head up and look back and forth between him and Alycia. "She's taking some students on a trip. She thought I'd be a good idea if you went too."

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 {𝒜.𝒟.𝒞 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now