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Tears fill my eyes as my breathes are heavy

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Tears fill my eyes as my breathes are heavy. My leg bounces up and down letting my eyes linger on my blood stained hands. There wasn't a lot of blood but there was enough, more than there should be. Flashes of being down that cliff beside Alycia go in and out of my mind. My cries of help echo through my head as I stare blankly at my hands. The image of Alycia laying at the bottom of the hill racing through my mind as the man just ran away.

I tear my eyes from the scene feeling Alycia tug my arm. We walk away from the edge and head down another way, still no trail. We go through more bushes and trees, poking sticks and thorns until I hear something. I stop walking behind Alycia and glance around swiftly. My eyes go crazy as I look around. Before I know it I hear a high pitched scream.

"ALYCIA!" I shout automatically rushing through everything hearing another scream. I come to an opening and see a guy standing tall looking down. "HEY!" I shout causing them guy to turn briefly. My eyes widen when I lock with his eyes but he takes off running. Without hesitation I run towards him but stop when I hear another scream. I stop in my tracks watching the guy run off, however I tear my eyes from him and look over a small hill seeing Alycia laying at the bottom. My eyes widen even farther and I look around swiftly, unsure of what to do.

"Alycia hold on!" I shout, slipping my book bag off setting it on the ground as I bend down as well. I rummage through the back bag before finding rope inside. I close my eyes and mumble a thank you under my breathe as I stand back up, slipping my bag back on but undo the rope. I go to the nearest biggest tree and tie it around it. Once I do I go to the edge and toss the rest of the rope down. I clench my jaw as I grab the rope and head down the hill as fast as I could. Within moments I get down to the bottom, rushing over to Alycia as my eyes grow wide and more panic rushing through me.

I drop to my knees and let my eyes scan her seeing blood pouring from the side of her stomach. Instantly I take off my hoodie leaving me only in a t-shirt as I place the hoodie onto her stomach applying pressure. Alycia's hands lift up and wrap around mine. Swiftly I look to her eyes locking them, feeling tears release from my eyes and slowly slip down my cheeks.

"I got you," I whisper shifting my eyes back and forth. "I'm not letting go. I'm right here."

"M...Mark," Alycia coughs out and I tilt my head to the side looking at the girl as she tries to sit up.

"Alycia, no. You need to stay still," I say gently pushing her back down keeping one hand applying pressure to the wound on the side of her stomach. Silence fills between the two of us as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, tearing my eyes from her eyes, thinking about the guy I had seen. Tall. Faint beard. Brown eyes. Short hair. Mark. It was Mark, that's why she said... Oh my god.

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 {𝒜.𝒟.𝒞 𝓍 𝒴𝑜𝓊}Where stories live. Discover now