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Liv's POV

I was heading out of the locker room when I hear the words, "I'll join Team USA, but only if Liv gets to join too." I quickly halt and follow the sound of my brother's voice around the corner. "I'm sorry, I'll join what now?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you later. Just head to the car," Dean instructs. I roll my eyes and irritably walk to our car.

As I'm waiting for Dean, I turn on the car to turn on the heater and plug my phone into the aux. I immediately cover my ears, trying to turn down the volume. That's when Dean opens the driver's side door,"jesus turn that down."

"Says the last one that was plugged in."

We buckle our seatbelts to endure a rather unbearably quiet drive home.

"Mom, we're home!" I throw my practice bag onto the floor near the front door and Dean does the same. I make my way to the kitchen to find mom in her usual spot near the sink.

"Hi, my babies, how was practice?"

I kiss her cheek, "oh you know, the usual." I open the fridge to get a snack and hop onto the kitchen island for some chit chat before dinner.

"Not for me, some guy from Hendrix Hockey asked me to join Team USA."

Mom quickly turns around dropping the dish into the sink, "are you kidding that's great sweetie! What did you say?"

"I said only if Olivia gets to come too..."

I choke on my cold fruit gummies, "what the hell why would you say that?! You can't just go on your own?"

"I don't wanna go on my own. What's the big deal? You know how to play hockey. I taught you everything you know, you're just as good as me."

"Maybe even better than you," I smirked.

"Shut up," Dean scoffs.

"You," I roll my eyes.

Mom walks the crock pot filled with our dinner, "Liv, I think you should do it. Like your brother said, he taught you everything you need to know."

"I just don't like hockey as much as I used to, it's not my thing anymore. He may love it, but I don't," I push myself off the kitchen island and trail towards the dining table.

Dean followed behind me, "I never said you had to like it, just come and play they need new talent." We both sit in our unassigned, assigned seats at the dinner table.

"I only wanna go under one condition."

"Oh, here we go," Dean slouches in his chair crossing his arms.

"No older brother nonsense. No being protective, no watching me like a hawk, and you let me do the things I want to do," I argue.

"Hell no," he snickers.

"Mommm," I whine.

She starts filling each bowl with the stew she made, "Liv I agree with Dean, you're only 16."

"17 in a couple months!" I reason.

"Still, if you go, he goes and vice versa," she says in as tern tone.

Dean slurps the stew from his spoon, "I just wanna say we're going to LA for the tournament."

Dean has known how much I've been wanting to travel, especially now since it's the off season for figure skating. The last time I was in California was for a skating competition. From what I've seen it's very different from Illinois. We didn't get to explore much since we were there strictly for business.

"Fine, fine, fine, be like that. When do we leave," I sighed knowing I was going to regret this decision at some point.

"Yes!" Dean jumped up in his chair. "We leave in 3 days, so I suggest packing, were gonna be gone for a while."

I cover my ears, "god why are you so loud!"

His arms flail to his sides, "why are you always killing my vibe huh?"

He and I start arguing at the table about god knows what, we argue about everything. My mother whistles, "stop it, I will prevent both of you from going if you don't get your act together right now!" Dean and I immediately settle down, lowering our heads in shame. Little did mom know that although we weren't verbally arguing. We're playing footsie under the table.

Once dinner was over and we cleaned up the table. Dean and I head up stairs to start packing. I started calculating, x months times x many outfits... couldn't figure it out. I was super excited to get back on an airplane again. My life was starting to get boring considering school just ended. All I've been doing is school, the rink, home, and repeat. Even at the rink it's not even a structured practice, most of the time I just fuck around since my instructor isn't there. I needed a little excitement in my life. 

I walk down the hall to Dean's room, "so like what are you thinking of bringing? I don't even know where to start."

"Start with your underwear idiot, you'll definitely need those."

"You're seriously no help!" I stomp to my room and slam the door.

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