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Liv's POV

My whole "list" outburst has really taken a toll on Luis and I's... relationship? I sort of feel disconnected from him, even with the amount of physical contact we've been maintaining. I sneak out of his grasp like I have been for the past couple of days and head back to my room.

We've got our game against Italy, and I feel like we got this. I wore my jersey with some sweatpants, I wasn't in the mood to look pretty for the cameras today. I finish brushing my teeth and cleaned the room a little bit.

Connie thrashes around on her bed, "ugh I can't go back to sleep."

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yes, you did," she huffed and walked to the sink.

"Con I got a question."

With her toothbrush in her mouth, she mumbles a "hmm".

"Was it weird between you and Guy after the first-time you guys, did it?"

She spits, "yes, but we had a talk about it afterwards then it went right back to normal."

"See Luis and I did too, and he said it wouldn't change anything. Personally, I feel like it changed everything. We don't talk like we normally do; he gives me dry answers and I can't bounce off that."

She joins me on the couch resting her head in my lap, "you guys seem fine to me."

"I don't know."

"If you don't know, why are you still sleeping with him? How long has this been going on?"

I shrug, "about a week or so."

"Do you feel used or something?"

I immediately come to Luis' defense, "oh no no no I just feel like it ruined things."

She gives me a look of sympathy, "well just talk to him about it, I'm sure you guys can work it out. Remember you guys always do."

I went through a whole list of possibilities to Connie as to why there's so much distance between me and Luis. Then Julie wakes up, "whatcha guys talking about?"

"How Luis doesn't wanna touch Liv anymore," she jokes.

"Shut up, I've been on my period! And I was just saying how, maybe I didn't perform good enough and maybe that's why we haven't done anything since." Honestly, I was embarrassed telling the girls this because what if it's true?!

"A little blood doesn't stop Guy," Connie bragged.

"Oh honey, Luis definitely doesn't think that."

"He hasn't kissed me, or hugged me, or..." realization starts to hit me. "Oh my god I did a terrible job!" I threw my head in my hands.

"You're an idiot if you think Luis would be that shallow," Julie hugs me in comfort. "It was your first time."

Connie tries to better the situation, "what exactly did he tell you?"

"Well, he said I was the best he ever had, but I feel like anyone would say that."

"Not men, men admit nothing... you did good trust me."

I began to get frustrated, overwhelmed and even a bit angry about all my negative thinking. "You know what, I don't have time for this, we got a game today. I'm going for a walk."

The girls give me reassuring goodbyes before I walk out to the beach across the street. I sit with the breeze in my hair, over analyzing and thinking... lots and lots of thinking. What if he is using me? After an hour or so I head back waiting for the rest of the team to get ready. I was looking at my feet when I bump into someone in passing.

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