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Liv's POV

My mouth dropped open to the sight of Team USA's very own private jet. I can't believe Mr. Tibbles managed to get this! The adults were in the front of the plane talking amongst themselves, drinking their fancy cocktails. Whereas us kids were pushed to the back to have our own space. I sat next to Luis because we were sharing headphones. Dean had to borrow mine cause his broke. I was listening very carefully to every song Luis played. I really like his taste, it's all over the place, but that's what makes it so special. It matches his personality very well. He says that he doesn't have a specific genre and when he likes a song, he likes it. It's a constant reminder of his feelings from when he first listened to it.

As were waiting for the next song to play, I pulled out my book. Luis was suspicious of my actions, "what are you doing?"

"Grabbing my book why?"

He gently tries to place it back in my bag, "put that away, I'm bored."

I pull it back out, "then go to sleep. This is how I deal with boredom," I smile.

"Eh I'd rather sleep. Can you play with my hair?" he says excited.

I roll my eyes, "I guess, hurry up." I make space for him on my lap so I can read and put him to sleep simultaneously. His head was laid comfortably on his airplane pillow, while he hugged at my waist, and I rested my book on his shoulder.

"Maybe if you read to me, I'll get so bored I'll fall asleep faster."

I tap his head with my book, "shut up Mendoza, don't diss the book alright."

He snuggled into me, "alright, alright, jeez." He finally closed his eyes when my hand touched his hair. As time went on, I got further into my book and his breathing labored.


We just finished warmups and drills, now we were scrimmaging. Since last week Dean has been ignoring me and I don't really know why. I wouldn't have noticed if we didn't share a room, but even then he avoided me. As I'm in my thoughts I hear coach yell, "Liv look out!" with that I bang straight into my brother.

"What the hell was that for you dipshit, were on the same team! I almost had it!" Dean yells at me.

I try my best to get up quickly, "shut up it was an accident!" in the process Dean pushes me back down. "Alright that was on purpose, what the fucks your problem?" I stand straight up and shove him as hard as I could.

"No problem Liv, really!" he yells sarcastically while towering over me.

"Then why the fuck are you acting like such a puck head!"

He and I kept going at it until coach walked onto the ice.

"Hey enough, what's the issue?!" Coach yelled sternly. Dean and I start talking over one another trying to get our stories in.

"He's been ignoring me for about a week now and won't even tell me why. Now he thinks he's all big and bad pushing me around. It was literally an accident!"

"She wouldn't even be here without me, and she goes and gets herself mixed up with Mendoza. We came here to play hockey and she's just fucking around!"

"We aren't dating, if that's what you mean. Where was all this anger 3 weeks ago?"

"If you bothered to ask for my opinions once and while maybe I would have told you!"

"It's not like you asked for my opinion when you started dating Jules!"

"You don't know shit about Julie and me," he huffed.

"it's Julie and I numbnuts, and it's not like you know anything about Luis and I either!"

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now