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Liv's POV

It's game day! I look over Luis' shoulder at the clock and sure enough I'm up too early. It's seven thirty and our wakeup call is at nine. I squirm to make sure I was seeing the time right when Luis squeezes at my waist tighter.

"Morning Livie," he croaks out.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Nah, what time is it?"

I get comfortable in his arms again, "too early, lets sleep in a little more."

"How about I make you breakfast. I'm sure no one is in the kitchen; we won't get caught."

"Five minutes..." I muffled.

"Fine, fine," he stared at the ceiling while brushing back my hair, like it was second nature to him.

I couldn't help but think about Luis and I's situation. We claim were friends, best friends, but the things we do aren't technically friendly. As much as I'd like to think we're just super close, I feel something for him.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" he kisses the very top of my head.


"So were lying to each other now?"

I giggle, "I'm not lying, it's nothing."

"Something or someone is turning the gears in there. They're practically screeching in my ears right now."

I was getting nervous because the last thing I wanted to do was ruin what we have going on again. We just figured out the Dean situation and now I'm asking the one question every guy hated. "What are we?"

Without hesitation, "we're best friends Livie you know that."

I was really hoping he couldn't see my face because frankly I was disappointed, "right, stupid question."

A few minutes had passed, and I thought I was off the hook from embarrassment, and Luis had fallen back asleep. I was wrong, he was preparing himself to get up and make us food.

"Alrighty, up we go," he tapped my butt.

I sluggishly get up, "I don't wanna walk."

He smiled his pretty smile and rolled his stupidly beautiful eyes. He turns around, "hop on." I happily climb on his back, forgetting all about what happened just minutes ago. "Whatcha gonna make me?"

He leaves the room and down the hallway to the kitchen, "I'll surprise you." He props me onto the counter beginning to pull things from the fridge. From what I've seen, he grabbed bagels, cheese, eggs, a shit ton of vegetables, milk, and butter.

"Can I make oatmeal?!" I ask excited.

"Of course, keep yourself busy this might take a while."

I clap my hands; I reach over and grab the milk before he does and pour it into a bowl along with the oatmeal that was in a container right beside me. I pivot to pop it into the microwave. My legs dangled back and forth as the time counted down.

"You're gonna share that right?" Luis smirked while moving the pan around.

"I don't feel like it," I tease.

"Well that's too bad, because I don't remember giving you an option."

"Okay smartass, just cook the damn fo-" I get interrupted by the beep.

Every now and then he opened his mouth while cooking to signal me to give him a bite of the amazing oatmeal. I noticed some bananas on the counter as well, so I cut them up and added it into the bowl halfway through. Before I knew it, he set up the table just for the two of us.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now