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Liv's POV

I lay on the bed waiting for Connie and Julie to finish getting ready. I haven't talked to Luis or Dean since the bus and it's really bothering me; like an itch I can't scratch. I feel like I'm choosing between them, and I just don't want to put myself in a position where I have to do that.

The bed dips, "what's on your mind?" Julie asks.

"Who do you think," I sigh.

"Hey, I'll talk to Dean, but you're also gonna have to talk to him yourself."

"And I'll have Guy or one of the other boys talk to Luis. You know, help him understand the situation a little bit."

"Thanks guys, and yes, I'll eventually talk to both of them. Just not right now. I think we need to cool off a bit."

"Do whatever your heart desires," Julie sings.

Because Julie is older than me, I've really grown to look to her for advice on life. Although it's only a year, I trust her and Connie's judgment more than anything. "I don't know what to do! Being with Luis makes Dean mad, and being separated from Luis makes not only him anxious, but me anxious too. You guys should've seen his face on the bus," I whine.

"Luis is pretty soft huh?" Connie laughs.

"You have no idea," giving her a half smile.

"Who would've thought with his dumbass remarks..." Julie genuinely looks like she is contemplating. "Whatever let's have fun tonight okay!" she smiles reaching her hand out for me to grab.

Guy's POV

We met up with the girls and may I say, awkward. I was walking with Connie. Julie, Dean and Fulton where slightly ahead of us. Liv was walking with Goldbergh, Charlie, and Banksie. In the back, Luis, Jesse, Dwayne and Ken. Meanwhile, Averman was in his own world twirling down the hall leading the way.

"Guy, can you let the boys know it's gonna be a girls night tonight? Nothing crazy just gonna do our own thing. Liv has a lot on her mind, and this is the only way I can think of to help her," Connie says sweetly.

I pull her to my side and kiss her temple, "of course I can, anything for you." I see a cute smile appear on her face.

We finally made it to the party and first things first, designate a common area. Kind of like a headquarters, a place everyone can head back to if they're feeling lost or uncomfortable. Dean and Fulton lead the way to a couch in the living room. Connie let go of my hand and told me she was going with the girls. She tilts her head to let them know to follow her. Julie gets off the couch kissing Dean on the cheek, while Liv whispers something to Banksie then proceeds to walk away.

I head to a love seat next to the couch as Goldie and Averman came back with multiple cases of beer. They hand it out to the boys and we each crack one open cheering.

"So guys, Connie said it's a girls night tonight," I take a swig hearing some of the boys groan.

"What's girls night?" Dwayne asks.

"It's this thing Connie does that used to cheer up our old teammate Tammy. Guess it upgraded from sleepovers to parties," Fulton says casually.

"I don't like the sound of this," Dean says concerned.

"Don't worry, were still gonna be around to keep an eye on them. We just gotta keep our distance, so we don't ruin their fun. They got some things going on." A bunch of okay's and yeah's were heard. From that point on we just sat back and relaxed.

Luis' POV

So, I can't bother Liv tonight, which kind of sucks. I wanted to experience partying with her. I feel like she might be mad at me because of what happened between Dean and I or because I was talking to that girl earlier. She didn't seem too happy about either situation, but in the bus, she said everything was fine and I will trust her on that. If I'm being honest Dean has been acting like a real dick lately. I didn't believe his whole "I want my sister back" bit, but hey that's none of my business. I just think Dean doesn't believe I'd actually be able to treat Olivia right.

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