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Liv's POV

"Wake up!"

"Averman go away!"

"No! We have an interview, we have an interview," he sings while bouncing up and down on my bed.

"If you don't stop jumping right now, I will kill you with my bare hands!" I pull my pillow over my head. I hate being obnoxiously woken up; it puts me in a bad mood.

"Averman, I got this," I hear my brother say. I feel my left arm and leg being pulled apart from my body. "Alright get up ya square!"

A loud thud is made from me hitting the floor, "um ow!" I yell crankily, rubbing the aching body parts to subside the pain.

I look up at Dean towering over my sprawled-out self, "good morning!" he says with a bright smile.

I sarcastically smile, "mornin," when he walks away my fake smile falters.

Connie walks through the door with a coffee in hand, "hey get ready we leave in an hour, we're doing tracksuits again."

I groan, letting my head hang low, "again?!" I proceed to pull myself off the floor, "I swear they give us nothing else to sport. Could we do like jerseys or something? Or our team shirts, those are comfortable..."

"You know what, why don't we go with the hoodies today," she opens the door and yells down the hall. "Everyone girls room now!"

Dean covers his ears on the couch, he and Fulton were watching TV. "Jesus Connie, it's too early for that yelling shit."

Everyone shuffles through the door as I sit on my own bed a hot mess. Connie comes to sit next to me, muttering a soft apology to Dean when she passed through our tiny living room.

Guy comes up to her just as grumpy as me, "you screamed dear?"

She pecked his cheek, "I'm sorry, I have an announcement."

"Ok what is it?" Jesse sassed.

"Well Liv made a good point, Mr. Tibbles doesn't give us enough variety of clothes to wear so instead of tracksuits, wear your hoodies."

"Oh that's great because I was getting sick of em," Jesse puts a hand over his chest in relief.

"We wear it so often, I bet people think we reek, and don't shower," Fulton adds.

Most of the team snicker to his remark.

"Ok, it's settled then. Team USA hoodies," Connie instructs. "You guys can go now, bye," she waves everyone off and continues putting together her outfit.

I get up to change my clothes, "uh can you like leave? I have to change."

Dean takes his eye off the TV, "Oh my god, I've known you your whole life."

"I don't care, I'm a growing girl, now get."

"I won't look just go," he pulls his bandana over his eyes and stuffs a pillow in his face.

I quickly switch to my hoodie, and black jean shorts, "k were good, you can open your eyes now. You should go change."

He lifts the bandana, while simultaneously throwing the pillow, "I'm waiting for Julie, she went to the bathroom."

I start swatting him out of the room, "I'll tell her to go to your room after. Jeez you guys won't die apart."

"I might as well die," he says dramatically before slamming the connecting door.

When I knew he wasn't going to come back in here, I rushed to put my shoes on, do a little personal hygiene and went to Luis' room. "Hey," I let myself in.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now