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Liv's POV

Everyone woke up at different times today. The only ones still sleeping right now are Ken and Jesse. Luis and I had just finished eating lunch at some sushi place we found nearby. It was pretty good, but Luis claims he's tasted better.

He had his arm slung over my shoulders and I still had the same thoughts as yesterday. We proceeded to walk down the sidewalk almost to the dorms.

"I'm sorry Luis, I don't wanna push this issue, but I really can't get this shit off my mind."

"Okay, shoot Livie. Is everything okay with your dad?" he seemed concerned.

"Not exactly, but that's not what I wanted to talk about... I'm having a bunch of mixed feelings about what we are. I feel kind of stuck?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm confused... I'm acting weird, you're acting weird. But it all still feels so right in a way. I have a lot on my plate right now with my dad coming back around and Dean being more on guard about it and us. I don't wanna screw things up..."

"I'm sorry I'm making things harder for you," he says a little offended.

"No that's not," I take a deep breath. "I'm scared."

His face falters, "Liv... you don't have to be scared."

"Well so far every time I've asked, you say were friends," I say with slight frustration.

"Because we are friends Liv."

"What if I want more than that? You can literally tell me to jump off a cliff and I'd do it for the sake of you and us."

He laughs, which sort of annoyed me more, "I'm scared too."

"I don't want you to be scared of me."

His tone of voice gets a little higher, "how can I not be? Everything in my life has always been so predictable. Ever since I met you, my whole life course is changing... I'm afraid because you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and I just don't wanna ruin it. So please for the sake of me and us, can we please keep this pace that we're going at right now?"

"What about for the sake of me?" I take his arm off my shoulder and walk ahead swinging the dorm doors open.

Luis chases after me, turning me around to face him, "I just need you to trust and believe me when I say I like you Liv. I can't help but think you've been holding back on me since we've got here, just waiting for me to fuck up or something?"

I try to say this in terms he understands, "you flirt with everything under the sun and I'm the one holding back?"

"Is this what it's really about? You're jealous again?"

"I can't help it!" I shout wanting to leave it at that.

"Look I can't explain why I did what I did, it's just how I am."

"Then that's gonna be a big problem..." I finally have the courage to walk away and reach my room slamming the door behind me.

Luis enters, "I worded that completely wrong... I am holding on for dear life here Olivia, please help me, help you understand."

"Why did you act like that yesterday?"

"I was getting ahead of myself okay and I was just trying to be nice. If it seemed like I was flirting, I wasn't. I talk a certain way and I can learn to stop with your guidance and boundaries, even if it means not talking to girls at all. And at the beach I felt jealous of all those soccer guys, plus it was building up because you've been getting close with Charlie, Jesse and Fulton these last few days..." he really did look apologetic.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now