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Luis' POV

Livie was helping Dwayne with his work, while Miss McKay was talking about something I just wasn't willing to understand. As I was staring at her I couldn't help but notice Liv's light eyes sparkling in the classroom setting. Words were slipping out of her pink plump lips while Dwayne nodded. Her long hair cascaded down the right side of her face, which she constantly had to move out of her way. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Miss McKay tapped at my desk. I gave her a quick glance and went right back to Liv.

"Something else more interesting than the Pythagorean theorem Luis?"

Still not taking my eyes off Liv I reply, "if I'm being honest Miss McKay, yeah."

She leans down to whisper something in my ear, "need a push?"

I gave her a confused look, "huh?"

"With you know who," she nods her head.

"Oh no absolutely not," I say nervously.

"Too late," she smiled. "Hey Liv, could you work with Luis, he's been daydreaming again."

I shut my eyes with my head hanging low, too afraid to open them in case Liv's blinding beauty appeared in front of my face.

"Um, alright," I hear Liv draw in a breath. She was just as nervous as I was. I hear her gather her things and move to the free desk next to me. I had to build up the courage to actually look at her when she got here.

"So, what don't you understand?" she says shyly. I haven't seen her this shy since the first time I met her.

I run a hand through my hair, huffing, "truthfully I wasn't paying attention all day, you know how I am."

She leans over, "well the Pythagorean theorem, is the geometric theorem that the sum of the 2 lengths on the sides of a right triangle is equal to the length of the hypotenuse."

"The hypothe- what?"

"The hypotenuse... it's on the board," she pointed with her pencil. "I suggest you write that down."

I slouch in my chair, "still not following Liv."

"Let me show you," she takes her paper and slaps it onto my desk so I can get a good view at her work. While she's working the problem she begins explaining. I once again I was too distracted by her lips to hear a single word she's saying.

I suddenly blurt out, "are you mad at me?"

She looked a little taken back, "um no, why would you think that?"

"Well, I figured since you needed space from me, you're maybe losing interest?" I say defeated.

Her spine straightens out to the disappointment in my voice. "Oh no, I'm not losing interest it's just..." She looked around to see if anyone was listening, "my brother has been kind of hot headed lately and I don't wanna piss him off more," she whispers.

I lean in closer to her, "Liv you can't keep compromising your life for Dean."

"I know, I'm scared of how he's going to react and quite frankly I don't want to deal with it."

"Not even for me?" I was too afraid to hear her answer and a little hurt that she couldn't stand up to him for one lousy date. "Look I'll understand if you can't or don't wanna go out after the game this Friday, but I was honestly really excited to take things further."

She sighs and I could see she was really apologetic. "I know so was I, but right now is not the time."

"So, it's a, no?"

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now