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Liv's POV

I struggled getting out here, but I didn't want to be a burden. I figured if I acted sober, eventually I will become sober. I noticed Luis wasn't out yet, maybe he fell asleep. Some of the boys were already in the pool. The girls and I set down our towels and took our time taking off our clothes.

"Why'd you guys bring cover ups?" Averman asks.

"So pervs like them don't get any ideas," Julie points to a few of the boys in the pool staring. They look away trying to act cool after getting caught. Julie makes her way to dip her feet in the pool, "see imagine if they were strangers, wouldn't that make you feel uncomfortable?"

Dean swims over to her placing a hand on each side of her hips, "oh you never have to worry about that sweetie, you got me."

I jokingly gag, which Julie seems to laugh at, but Dean doesn't find my humor too amusing. "Don't start Olivia."

"Jeez take a joke," I roll my eye in irritation. "You get on my nerves."

"I get on your nerves?!" He points to himself.

As my brother and I are arguing once again I feel someone's hands touch my back and push me into the water. Once I hit the freezing cold water I immediately sober up. Swimming back up for air I get my hair out of my face to see Jesse soaking wet with a devious smirk.

"You'll pay for that Hall, just watch."

"Ooo I'm so scared," he pretends to tremble in fear.

All the boys start laughing while Julie and Connie have shocked looks on their faces. They both suddenly speak up, "I'll get in right now, free will, if you don't touch me," Connie says with her hands up. As were watching Connie walk to the pool stairs, a loud splash and a small squeak is heard from where Julie is, or at least where she used to be. We see her and Dean come up for air, "welp I'm in now, thank you so much for that babe."

"No problem," Dean shook his hair out like a dog making Julie laugh.

We hear another splash by the stairs. Connie and Ken come up for air. "Ken, I said I'd get in free will!" she says in her mom voice.

"You took too long," Ken innocently smiles, but we all see right through him.

"Chicken fight!" Goldie yells.

As were playing, one by one people were getting knocked down. We heard the pool doors open and I swear we thought we were busted for staying out past curfew. To our surprise it was Luis and the girl from the party walking in. We all froze in place, and I looked down at Julie from the top of Dwayne's shoulders, I was hurt. Clearly Charlie and Banksie couldn't read the room because next thing I know I'm drowning.

I swim up, "hey cheaters!"

"Yeah," Dwaynes says wiping his face.

"You must expect the unexpected young padawan," Charlie bows.

"First rule of battle, never turn your back on your enemy," Banks teases further.

Charlie gets off of Banks shoulders chanting, 'we are the champions' repeatedly. I look over to see Luis talking to the girl on the pool chairs and it was taking everything in me to tear my eyes away from them. He was hunched over his knees, laughing at something she said. He did his little head shake thing, so it must've been something cunning or witty. How can he be so happy right now? Granted I wasn't absolutely depressed at the moment, but I am bummed that I haven't been able to spend much time with him tonight.

Someone swims up beside me, "so much for not fucking up, right sis?"

"Dean I don't need an I told you so right now."

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now