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Liv's POV

"I wanted to see you guys on the ice. I talked to your mother and found out where you guys are competing," Dad or as Dean called him Bill said. Dean really hates using the word dad.

"We didn't wanna see," Dean chimes in aggressively.

I place my hand on his shoulder, "what he meant to say is that we were going to let you know when we were ready."

He chuckles punching Dean's shoulder, "come on big guy don't be like that." Dean didn't look too amused.

"Uh we're practicing right now, could you come by another time or something? We've got a big game tomorrow."

"Why don't I take you folks out to dinner. We can catch up?"

"We wouldn't have to if you just stick around," Dean rolled his eyes and skated away.

I sigh, "I don't wanna make him madder can you just come back later? We don't need this right now."

"I'm taking you folks to dinner tonight."

"Whatever, no promises were gonna like it."

"Thank you Olivia, I appreciate that," he rubs my shoulder.

I give him a small smile and skate away proceeding with drills. We have about thirty minutes left of practice and coach blew his whistle. "Alright gather round!" We took off our helmets and took a knee near coach. "As you all know were up against Trinidad and Tobago tomorrow. I expect nothing but your best, yes?"

"Yes coach," we shout.

"You've got a nine am wakeup call tomorrow, don't be late and be ready to kick some ass!" Coach enthused. We start to cheer along with him, "Rancher Dwayne, get ready for a round up," the team stands up and scatters while coach tosses Dwayne his lasso.

As I'm skating away teasing Dwayne here and there, Jesse skates next to me. "Hey who was that guy?"

"Sadly, my dad."

"Oh, that's nice I wish I could have my family show up here."

"It's not quite like that, Dean and I aren't particularly keen of our dad."

"I'm sorry..." he looked a bit awkward trying to salvage our conversation.

"It's alright, there's other people that have it worse out there."

He nudges my shoulder, "hey problems are problems, yours don't matter any less than the next person." He gives me a small smile before skating away.

I start getting upset thinking about how my dad just showed up here. I looked down at the ice, in my own world trying to subside my anxiety. It wasn't working so far. I didn't notice I was slowing down till Luis came up behind me to grab my pads.

In an attempt to quickly get me past Dwayne's lasso he begins pushing. "I know you're not really talking to me right now, but something's off. Tell me."

I get out of my thoughts immediately just from hearing his voice, "oh it's my dad."

"What about him?"

"He's here and he isn't supposed to be."

"Are you okay?" I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Not really. I feel like I can't breathe," I say in a light tone trying not to freak him out.

"Come on," he grabs my hand before shouting, "Coach Liv doesn't feel good, be right back!" he leads us to the locker rooms not even bothering to listen to coach's response.

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