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Liv's POV

Dean and I got settled into our hotel room here in Minnesota. Even though we got scouted for these positions, we still had to showcase our skills to the team we were joining. Mr. Tibbles said the other new players are here as well. He called us together for a dinner before meeting the Ducks. It seemed casual nothing fancy, I mean we're eating at one of the restaurants in the downstairs lobby area. Dean and I were starving to death. We hated airplane food, and the airport food was too expensive. We look around to find Mr. Tibbles, when we hear a small group of kids talking near the small bald man.

"Hi Mr. Tibbles!" I wave.

"Hi there Liv, you ready to eat?"

"Sure am, I could eat a horse," the other team members behind him start laughing.

Dean comes up behind me, "you think she's kidding, she ain't kidding." I elbow his side earning a groan from him.

Mr. Tibbles let the host know everyone was here and they lead us to our table. Turns out it was buffet night. Our table was circular, so I was finally able to see everyone's face clearly once we sat down. I recognized one person, Ken Wu. I've seen him around at competitions, but I've never actually spoke to him before.

"Eat as much as you want ok kids, gotta get you guys fueled up for tomorrow."

We muttered our thank you's to Mr. Tibbles and headed to the buffet line.

As dinner went on, we all made small talk, nothing too big and outrageous. By the end of dinner, we only knew each other's names, what states we came from, what team's we played on back home and how we got scouted. We couldn't go into depth and talk normally due to Mr. Tibbles being there. A lot of restricted language if you know what I mean. We said our farewells to Mr. Tibbles and got together in Dean and I's room. There was a movie playing in the background as we were sprawled all over the room and actually getting to know each other.

"Aye yo Julie, how old are you?" my brother asks in an attempt to flirt.

"18 why?" she smirked.

"Nothing, nothing, how 'bout you Ken?" Dean casually goes around the room from there.

Ken is 16 like me, we both turn 17 in October, Libra babies. Dwayne and Luis are 17. Julie and my brother are the same age. Slowly the guys started talking amongst themselves leaving Julie and I out. I have no idea what boys talk about, video games and shit? I turn to Julie, "what can I say, boys."

"Boys will be boys I guess."

"Sorry about my brother by the way, that was a lame ass attempt to flirt," I laugh.

"Nah it's all good, t'was more polite than some other guys I've ran into."

My eyes widen, "no fucking way."

"Yes way," we start laughing together.

Suddenly we feel the bed dip. We look to our left to see Dwayne with his chin in his hands like a little girl, "whatchu girls talking about?"

I smile down at him, "none of your business cowboy."

"Oh come on little lady, I heard some gossip about boys. Tell me."

"Fine. We were talking about how Dean has no idea how to talk to the ladies," I raise my voice to tease Dean, hoping he heard me.

He turns his head quickly, "what?! I so know how to talk to the ladies."

"Tell that to Julie," I chuckle, and she joins me with a little shy smile on her face.

"You're one to talk, I bet you've never even had a boyfriend before," he challenges.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now