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Luis' POV

I was woken by a bunch of shuffling and a couple of my teammates staring right at me. I rub my eyes trying to sit up only to be weighed down. I look down at my chest to find Liv snuggled up next to me.

"What's up with all the noise?" I croak. Not too loud of course because I didn't want to wake Liv up.

"Nothing just cleaning up a bit partner," Dwayne responds while folding his blanket.

"I was taking pictures of you and Liv. I even got a couple of all 4 of us in bed," Guy cunningly says.

"Oh god Guy, delete those," I whisper.

"No, I'm showing it to everyone at your wedding."

"Do you mind?!" Dean says annoyed. "I'd rather not see you and my sister together."

"Hey dude it's not our fault, Connie and Guy- "

"Were doing it?!" Averman interjects.

"Averman!" Connie hits his shoulder.

"What... wouldn't be the first time," he shrugs.

"No, they weren't doing it. They were just being all lovey dovey, and we got kinda grossed out. So, we talked a bit before falling asleep, that's it."

"We're gonna get breakfast, you want anything?"

Dean ushers them all out the door, "they're gonna eat whatever we give them. They have no choice... By the time I come back Mendoza your hands better be off my sister."

I smirk putting my hands up, "hey my hands are off, its hers."

"Smart ass," Dean rolled his eyes.

I looked down at Liv, hearing the door shut lightly. I finally had the chance to see her for all that she is, peaceful, calm, like a home. Her long lashes pressed upon her cheeks. Beautiful pink lips slightly parted. Her cute slim nose and full eyebrows furrowing and scrunching every so often. Long light brown hair, frizzy and wavy, sprawled out around her perfectly framing her face. Her grip got tighter around my waist. I reciprocated and squeezed her petite body. I'd say she's just as tiny as Ken, maybe even tinier. She looked so comfy it convinced me to fall right back asleep cuddling her with more intently than last night.

Liv's POV


As more practice hours got schedules and school approached, Team USA have gotten closer than ever. The upcoming seniors were under way more stress than us upcoming juniors. Since it's summertime Miss McKay's classes were more advanced and fast paced than any normal summer school course would be. We've scheduled countless study session together, which usually ended in sleepovers. Luis has a tendency to get distracted in class and I took it upon myself to make sure he learned the material and kept up.

"Luis come on it's not that hard," I say frustrated.

"It kinda is..."

"Well maybe if you were paying attention in class, it wouldn't be. I swear you have ADHD."

"Do not!"

"You were shaking a pencil in front of your face because it looked like a wave," I sass.

"Hey waves remind me of home. Maybe I'm home sick," he shrugged.

"How about this. You finish the whole worksheet by yourself, no help from me and I'll buy you lunch," I negotiate.

"Fine I'll ask Connie to help me," he started getting up grabbing the paper.

"Sit!" He sighs plopping back down. "I'll give you half an hour, go." I move away to my bed to allow him to focus. Plus, I was tired of seeing his little pout from his soft lips whenever he found a question difficult.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now