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Liv's POV

Luis smiles wide, he grabs my hand and we run down the street near the beach. We walk along the sidewalk, enjoying each other's company and taking in our surroundings. Within 15 minutes we were standing in front a short building with a bunch of blinding neon lights. The lights made the place look really fun and energetic, the sound of families around made it seem very chaotic, but in a good way.

"Luis?! How did you find this place, it looks amazing!" I yell in excitement.

"I have my ways," he smirked. "Come on," he leads the way and the more I looked around there was a food court, the arcade, then a water slide, racetrack, and mini golf outside.

Luis paid for our entry fees, which I obviously argued with him about because it was pretty expensive.

"We've always been even with this kind of stuff; you don't have to pay me back for this. My mother taught me better," he threw his arm over my shoulders.

"You know I don't care about that crap."

"I understand you're a very independent woman, but for once in your life depend on someone other than yourself. I respect you and your choices, just let me do nice things for you every once and a while, alright? You deserve it," he kissed the top of my head.

"Okay, okay, thank you. What should we do first?" I look around the arcade to see where the night was going to take us. "Oh, air hockey!" I point.

Luis laughs, "you're gonna get your ass beat."

We scurry over to the table before anyone else does and put a coin in. While we wait for the game to load, I respond to his ridiculous remark. "If you play like how you brake, it'll be a cake walk."

His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, smirking in the process, "just you wait."



"Boom!" Luis jumps up punching the air.

"You got lucky," I toss the mallet down on the table, a little salty.

"Don't hate the playah baby, hate the game. What were you saying earlier?" he leans over the table putting his hand to his ear.

I walk over to him wrapping one arm around his waist, he gladly lets me under his arm, "shut up."

"What's next amor, take your pick."

My breath hitched to the new nickname, but I played it off ushering the butterflies away. We headed outside to play a round of mini golf. Then to the racetrack to indulge in the fast go karts and competitive energy surrounding it. Afterwards, we went back into the arcade to finish up the last of our coins.

"Last one, whatcha wanna do?" I say.

He looks around, really looking for something worth the last of our fun for the night.

"Got it," he drags me along with him to the far corner of the place.

"Aw this is cute," he opens the curtain to the photobooth for me.

It was kind of hard for both of us to fit on the one seat, so I sat in his lap. It surprisingly wasn't awkward. Luis put the coin in, and the machine was going to take four pictures. The first one we smiled, second, stuck our tongues out, third, straight faces, and lastly Luis kissed my cheek.

In between pictures three and four he squeezed at my waist, tickling me a little bit which made the fourth photo all the more priceless because my laugh and his smile peeking through his lips were genuine. I

We get out of the booth waiting for the photos to process. A few seconds had passed, and I grab it from the machine hiding it from Luis so I could take a look at it first. He stood behind me, arm rested on the booth the other wrapped around my hips. We examined the collage together and he thought he looked hideous, but I thought otherwise. He's an idiot for thinking he could ever look bad.

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