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Liv's POV

The team went out for a late lunch while Dean and I went straight back to the dorms. We laid side by side on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. We didn't talk just laid there in silence, until I broke the ice.

"Dean are you okay? You had a lot to say earlier."

"I'm fine Olivia."

"You don't get to push me away; I won't let you. We need to talk about what happened because I have never, and I mean never seen you like that before."

"Fine I'm not okay, but I'll get over it. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just more concerned about you."

He took a deep breath, "I needed a moment to break down. It's been building up for a long time."

"I'm sorry you felt you couldn't talk to me. You don't always have to be the strong one you know, there's two of us for a reason."

"I can't help taking care of you and mom, it's in my nature. Who else is gonna remind you to shower and remind mom to be happy."

"To be fair, I think I tell you to shower more often than you tell me, and mom can take care of herself. We both can, you deserve to focus on you for once in your life."

"If I don't look after you, then who will?"

I didn't know what else to say to Dean, we were never the affectionate type, and this is as close as we're gonna get to opening up to each other. "Thank you big brother, for everything."

A smile creeps its way onto his lips, and he nudges me playfully. A few minutes had passed, and the door swung wide open with a bang.

"Hey Portman's, you feeling better?" Goldbergh shouts.

"Uh yeah."

"Yeah dude, we're good."

Charlie jumps on the foot of the bed, "we got you guys some burgers," he tosses it in our laps.

Connie hops on top of Dean and I's legs using the spaces between us to cater to her body in a comfortable sitting position. "I wanted to get you guys something fancy after the day you've had, but everyone disagreed with me. How rude."

Luis spun around on the desk chair, "hey you can't go wrong with burgers."

"That's right, everyone loves a good cow," Fulton chimes in, to which we all laugh at.

"What if I was vegan?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Well, are you?" Averman sasses.


"Okay then," he waved me off trying to find a seat.

"Thanks guys," Dean and I say in unison before digging into the delicious food.

As we're eating Julie suggests an idea, "why don't we do something tonight, just the team."

"What's there to do around here anyway?" Dwayne asks.

"I took Liv to this place down the road for our date, it's pretty fricken cool," Luis suggests.

I swallow my bite in a hurry, "he's not kidding I was amazed, and we didn't even get to finish doing everything."

Adam was looking things up on his phone, "oh, escape room!" The team ooo'ed, "so we in agreement?"

We all confirmed that we'd be happy with that idea and honestly, I was excited to see how we'd do.

Connie claps her hands, "okay let's start getting ready." She hopped off the bed, dragging me with her. It felt like I did a mini obstacle course hoping over Dean and dodging all the legs sprawled out on the floor on my way to the connecting door.

Deal - Mighty Ducks [Luis Mendoza]Where stories live. Discover now