royal au pt. 5

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previously. . .

"I was not kidnapped," Annabeth said clearly. "I left of my own accord."

Rachel hummed. "I see. Do you not like your castle?"

"On the contrary. I live in a beautifully crafted structure." Annabeth thought about the swooping arches in the gardens, the high ceilings one could never touch, the walls and walls of books in the library. "My leaving has absolutely nothing to do with the location, I assure you."

"You don't live there any longer," Rachel said.

Percy gave her a sharp look.

"What? She said 'live.' It's 'lived' now--past tense, isn't it?" Rachel gave her friend a defiant look. "I'm not wrong."

"No, only insensitive." Percy stood and gave Annabeth a softer look. "Finish eating, princess. There's something I want to show you."


"This is Beckendorf."

Annabeth took the man's outheld hand and shook it politely. His hands were rough with what she could guess were years of hard work. "I'm Annabeth."

"Wouldn't have guessed," Beckendorf said good-naturedly, winking. He gave a short bow and salute to Percy before retreating back to whatever he'd been working on before he was called over.

Annabeth stepped back beside Percy, Rachel on his other side. She glanced up at him. "So this is it? You wanted to show me your friends?"

"Did you not want to meet them?"

"They're lovely, Perseus." Annabeth settled her clasped hands in front of her. "You have good friends. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Percy," he supplied. "And yes, I'm satisfied. They're lovely people, are they not?"

Annabeth could feel Rachel's eyes on the side of her head, as if daring her to say otherwise. "I agree. From what I've seen so far."

She wasn't lying, even if saying otherwise would have been a stupid move. She'd already shaken hands with two gardeners, a few blacksmiths, three self-proclaimed artists (four if she counted Rachel), and even a few children. Percy seemed proud of his company, so she had gone along with it.

"Good. Now." Percy offered her a hand, looking down expectedly. "Walk with me."

She stared at his hand as it brushed against her side. What now? Annabeth met his eyes and found herself locked in place by the whimsical green once more. She clenched her fist.

"Where do you plan to whisk me off to now? I do have a runaway to return to."

He laughed, reaching down to grab her hand himself instead of waiting. "This won't be long. Trust me, you'll want to see this."

Rachel waved them off, her eyebrow raised. "Good luck, princess."

. . .Good luck?


"Do you remember how I mentioned the raids, earlier?"

Annabeth most definitely did. It hadn't sat well with her since they'd eaten supper. She nodded, her eyes refusing to leave their hands. He hadn't let go, even though she was perfectly capable of walking on her own.

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