oneshot 40 : confessions

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well, look at that. 40th oneshot !!

i'm extremely sorry for the wait, writer's block hit me long and hard. this is actually another recycled oneshot ( sowry ) that some of you might have already seen, but i really needed to publish something.

go check out MaiaPapaya4Life !

* this is an au !

"Did you turn out the lights?"


"Then we have a problem."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and pulled the cowl of her cloak closer around her face. She was sweating, but not from nerves. She'd done this a thousand times.

"Shut up," she hissed back. Her partner, Percy, stood next to her, wrapped in his own cloak. In the poor lighting, he seemed to melt into the dark background.

Although he stood as still as a pole, Annabeth had the feeling he'd shrugged at her response.

They were on a small mission, a side job they'd been assigned the previous day. Their goal was to simply keep a watch on the occupants of town, checking for any suspicious activity. With most of the organization spread throughout the country, they'd decided that it was too quiet, and trouble was certainly brewing.

So far, nothing had appeared out of the ordinary.

Until this moment, when the lights of the old building they had entered had suddenly vanished. Both Percy and Annabeth had years of training and experience in moving unseen, and the lack of light would only make it easier for them. But the issue was that the lights were supposed to be on. Or they had been, just a moment ago.

The wood of the old structure creaked and swayed with the wind, and Annabeth crouched down to the floor as Percy moved forward to the staircase.

"Remind me why we're in here again?" he said, his voice low.

Annabeth rubbed her forefinger and thumb together, grimacing at the dust that had clung to them. "No one's coming in here. This way we can keep an eye on them, and--"

"I know, I know. And they won't be able to keep one on us. I got that."

Annabeth joined him, a blur in the dark house. "Then-?"

"This is easy stuff. The trainees should be out here, not us."

Annabeth rested a hand on her partner's shoulder. They'd been working together for four years, and despite their constant quarreling and teasing, deep down they loved each other.

"What's bothering you?"

Percy peered at her from the side of his eye. Something was bothering him, but never in a million years would he tell her what it was.

Earlier that week, Chiron, their head, had approached. The two had talked for a while, before the suggestion of switching partners was brought up. Percy had been quick to reject the idea, stating that he knew Annabeth, and that they worked well together. That's the way it was, since they were twelve years old.

Chiron stared at him for a long while before speaking again.

"By the gods! You love her, don't you?"

And the words hadn't left his mind since.

Love was a foreign idea to people like them, and Percy, after hours of hard thought, had come to realize the words rang with truth. But Annabeth often kept to herself.

In honesty, his mind was a mess.

He sighed, knowing there was no way to back away from her question.

"I'm worried about Estelle."

Estelle was his younger sister. She lived with Percy's mother within the town, unaware of the organization he was apart of.

Annabeth nodded. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I hope you know that I am very aware of your bluffing."

Percy wisely kept his mouth shut.

"But you can tell me on your own time. We'll be here for a while."

Percy sighed. She was smart, as always. "Wise Girl," he muttered, almost as if it were a curse word.

Annabeth, making no effort to be quiet, plopped herself down on the stairs. She pat the spot next to her.

Percy lowered himself down next to her and leaned back on the creaking wood.

"You think we'll get a major mission next?" she asked, letting her hood fall to her shoulders. She'd determined why the lights had gone out, and decided it wasn't a problem. Just the townspeople having difficulty with their street lights. The small bit of moonlight that peaked through the window caught her blonde hair and highlighted it.

Percy shrugged, keeping his eyes on the single window in the room. He never moved his head, but his eyes were roaming from side to side, carefully analyzing every movement in his sight. "I could use a break, honestly."

Annabeth snorted. "Oh come on. You're sixteen. Don't act like you're getting old."

Percy smirked. "I'll have you know that I'm not the same kid I was four years ago."

"That's for sure," Annabeth mumbled.

Percy stuck his tongue out. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Annabeth shrugged.

"I heard Chiron's letting us switch teams, with all the new recruits," she said, her voice noticeably quieter.

Percy nodded. "Yeah."

Annabeth faced him. "You gonna do it?"

Percy let his eyes leave the window for a second, landing on Annabeth. "No! I mean. . .do you want me to?"

Annabeth made a face. "Of course I don't. But I don't want to hold you back. I know you admire some of the others, like Reyna and Frank."

Percy watched her for a long time. And, like most times, he acted on impulse, discarding all rational thinking.

The next thing he knew, his lips were on hers.

Annabeth seemed startled at first, but eventually her shoulders relaxed--something Percy knew was rare.

To his surprise, he felt Annabeth intertwining his fingers with her own on the stairs. In the moment, he knew Chiron had been right.

All thoughts of keeping watch left his mind, replaced with the bliss that was Annabeth.

They pulled apart slowly, eyes lost in each other.

"I admire you, Annie."

Annabeth sighed shakily. "That's good. Very good," she mumbled. "Otherwise I would've kicked your butt."

Percy smiled. "I know."

a / n

how'd you like it ? somehow it placed ( second ) in maia's competition. i like the idea ngl.

again, so sorry for the wait, i'm so behind on updates it's not even funny :p

anyways, peace out in demigodishness and all that,

~ grace 💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙

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