oneshot #43: coping method

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It had been a while.

Too long. Annabeth was keeping count. The number was daunting, engraved in her brain like a branding. And every day, every minute, every second, it went up.

Percy was gone.

Every day she spent looking for him felt like a waste. No leads, no clues, not even a trace. Annabeth had no idea where he could be, what he was doing, or if he was even alive.

She was holding on though, to that hope. That small possibility that he would turn up. That something would turn up. It wasn't like she was lying to herself. No.

Annabeth had a strong gut feeling that he was okay, and that she would seem him again. She expected to. It drove her mad, knowing something that was really nothing at all.

Every night, her fears and paranoia would strike, trying to drag her down into that. . .hole. It was indescribable, really. But Annabeth held on to that small thread of hope that was acting as her ladder.

A coping method.

That's what Chiron had suggested. And Sally. They had told her to figure out a way to hold out. 

So, every night, when the pit threatened to swallow her, she added to her list.

Tonight, though, something felt different. Just a small abnormality – at least compared to the past few weeks. 

Her ladder of hope was a little stronger. One wrung firmer.

So Annabeth didn't add to that list. She simply reviewed it with a strange emotion: excitement.

Soon, she would be able to see her dork of a boyfriend. And if things went that way, then she could wait as long as it took. 



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Annabeth held the paper with a firm grip.

A few tears ran down her cheek, tickling her chin as they reached the paper spread out beneath.

Her heart seemed to tug in all different directions, almost confusing Annabeth as to what she was really feeling.

She folded the delicate paper, tucking it back into the notebook.

As she looked to the sleeping form across the room, a large smile creased her face. 

And the crumbled paper, now compressed between the worn pages of a forgotten notebook, looked a little different than it had that night.

And the crumbled paper, now compressed between the worn pages of a forgotten notebook, looked a little different than it had that night

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a / n

tis a short one. i'm having lots of difficulties with wattpad rn, but if you can't see the pictures, i'll copy them in the comments.

also, wouldn't it be cool if i wrote something for each of the things on her checklist ? some of them i already have, like the fireworks and the blue food. i'll try to do it !

tysm for reading, as always 💞

yours in demigodishness and all that,

- grace 💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙

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