Oneshot #15: Elysium

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Hello demigods!


I have an amazing amount of support on this fanfic. Like honestly, how?

It provides me with motivation to update as often as I can, and it's so nice to know that I'm not alone in this pjo fangirl/boy frenzy, and that people love this fandom just as much as I do.

Any requests? I'm really not good at writing request oneshots, but I love to try <3

Sorry for the long a/n. Enjoy!

Percy's heart clenched.

Annabeth sat on her bunk in the empty cabin, oblivious to his presence in the doorway.

She held a torn piece of paper, and Percy didn't have to guess to know what it was. She took a long, deep breath, and let it go.

"Why?" She whispered, her voice shaky. "You stubborn idiot." She appeared to be talking to the paper, and her eyes were glossy.

Annabeth closed her eyes. "Come on Annabeth. Move on."

Percy choked up slightly himself at the thought of him.

Luke Castellan.

Percy knew the strong bond between him and Annabeth. He respected it. He didn't feel any jealousy when he pictured Luke's face, even knowing that Annabeth had had a maybe-slight-crush on him.

In the end, she'd told him he was loved like a brother, and Luke seemed content with that.

His death had been a hard thing to except. Even Percy had to remind himself constantly that Luke wasn't out there, on the Princess Andromeda being an angsty teenager.

But it had been a real blow to Annabeth.

Percy knew she could handle it, and that she had gotten past it.

Some days you're just sad.

Percy still had horrible days when he couldn't get away from the thoughts of Bob, and Damesan (gods how do you spell it?) and Silena, Beckendorf--the list went on and on.

But Annabeth didn't realize how strong she had been about his death, and when these days haunted her, she didn't understand that it was okay.

Percy clenched his fists when she started to cry, wiping her eyes and tightening her grip on the picture.

When he could stand it no longer, he sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her shaking body.

She didn't jump at his sudden entry, just leaned into him and cried.

"Percy," she sobbed, "Why can't I just stop crying?"

Percy pulled her closer. "Annabeth, it's okay to cry. I miss him too. But he's okay now. He died a hero."

She nodded. "I why am I so sad?"

"That's death. It follows us wherever we go. But we shouldn't blame ourselves. And as much as I hate to watch you cry, I'm encouraging it. Sometimes you just have to let it out."

"I've never seen you like this." Her voice was strained, like it was whenever she cried.

He peered down at her, face damp, blonde curls everywhere, grey eyes swirling. He allowed a small, grim smile onto his face. "Trust me, I'm no stranger to grief."

Annabeth wrapped her arms around him. "Now you're making me want to cry more," she complained, voice muffled as she had buried her face in his shirt.

"Look at me."

She met his gaze.

"Luke was a good guy. And if he could see you now, he'd be so proud. He'd tell you to stop worrying about him, because he's being taken care of by Silena, and Charlie, and Bob, and everyone else in Elysium with him." Percy stared at her gorgeous face for a while longer, taking in every feature, every curve and color.

He wiped away a tear and pulled her close again, hugging her.

"We can visit him if you want. I'm sure Nico would reason with Hades, and whatever favor he'll require I'll take care of. How does that sound?"

Annabeth pulled away, gripping her picture.

It was torn, and yellowed, the material worn, but held so many memories. Annabeth herself wore a Camp Halfblood t-shirt, and next to her stood Luke, smiling toothily. Annabeth's dagger was clutched in her hand, and Luke had his sword on his belt. They were in the arena, and both looked ecstatic.

Annabeth touched it gently. Then she turned around and pulled a different, slightly larger picture off of her wall.

This one was newer, only slightly wrinkled.

Annabeth looked at it for a moment, and then shoved it into Percy's hands.

Percy's brow furrowed when he recognized himself, dusty and sweaty, but grinning like he'd won the lottery.

Annabeth was next to him, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Chaos surrounded them, but the shot had been focused on just the two.

Percy remembered the time. It was the chariot race, the one right after the trip to the Sea of Monsters. He and Annabeth had won, and it had felt like he was floating.

He was about to open his mouth to ask where she had gotten this when Annabeth spoke.

"I think I'll stay away from the underworld right now. It would be nice to see Luke, and everyone else, but it's like you said. They have each other. And...I've got you."

Percy set down the picture and reached for her hand. "Are you sure? I thought--"

Annabeth pulled him into a soft kiss. "I know. But what I need right now is to be here, with you. Is that alright?"

Percy kissed her again. "Perfect."

Annabeth laid her head on his shoulder. "I feel better already."

He played with her hair. "Glad I could be of service."

Annabeth laughed, and Percy mentally fist pumped.

He waited a few minutes before easing the atmosphere.

"I wonder if my panda pillow pet is with them."

Annabeth wacked him over the head with a pillow. "Oh my gods Percy!"

She was laughing.

A/N: She progressed from crying to laughing.

The wonders Percy works.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!!

Stay positive and safe!!

Peace out in demigodishness and all that,

~ Grace 💙💙💙

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