oneshot #87: 3 + 1

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hear ye hear ye! happy summer! im taking attendance so please announce your arrival with a "here!" if you'd like to say hi :)   >

quick question before we go on: would you guys, mayhaps, read a full-fledged pjo fic that's a complete au? it includes lots of enemies to lovers percabeth, an actual plot, clarisse la rue and rachel elizabeth dare and tyson, my loves---and, like, a LOT more. they're still demigods. things are just a bit darker and more hopeless.

i've been writing it for a few years now and i'm in this constant cycle of no one will like this but also i really want to start posting this now and i'd just like to know! it is my baby. i also have the ENTIRE book so far drafted with like graphics and stuff so it'd be cool if i could start sharing it soon.

anyway, this is three times people noticed percy & annabeth were good for each other and one time they noticed it themselves, featuring grover, paul, and athena. i'm not living for this but who doesn't love the blank + one things? enjoy <3



Grover had been sleeping.

It wasn't exactly an ideal place to rest---in the back of a smelly van filled with helpless animals on a turnip sack. He'd wanted to do more for the zebra, lion, and antelope, but being angry had just sapped extra energy from him and now he was tired

He supposed Percy and Annabeth were too, but they kept talking anyway. It's not luck that you found Thalia and me, Grover, Percy had said. You've got the biggest heart of any satyr ever. You're a natural searcher. That's why you'll be the one who finds Pan. 

It was a nice thought to drift asleep to. He'd liked to imagine finding Pan, being the first to bring him back in all his glory. But he'd known it was impossible. Everyone else did, too.

Not Percy. And Percy didn't lie.

He'd tried to say thank you because it meant a lot. But next thing he knew Percy and Annabeth were engaged in a different conversation about Camp and beads. He must've fallen asleep and woken again within minutes. 

"And the college ring is your father's?"

Grover perked up on his turnip sack, still half asleep. Uh-oh. He might have to do damage control on this one. 

"That's none of your---" Annabeth started, and Grover winced, but she stopped. "Yeah. Yeah, it is."

"You don't have to tell me."

"No. . .it's okay." She went on to tell him about how she'd gotten the ring, how her father had given her his only keepsake from Athena and how he had wanted her to come home. She'd gone but before winter break was over, Annabeth was back at Camp Halfblood again. 

Grover's brain was foggy but he picked up on every word. And almost every one was news to him.

Annabeth didn't like to talk about the family she'd run away from. He'd never asked outright of course (Grover didn't have a death wish), but others had and she never responded well. Everyone knew the ring was her father's. Beyond that? Luke probably knew. That was about it. 

It's a gift, he thought. Percy has a gift.

"You think you'll ever try living with your dad again?"

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