Oneshot #26: "Ow."

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Percy felt like crap.

He got to his feet as the hellhounds circled Annabeth and him, clutching his side.

"You okay?" Annabeth called.

Percy grunted in discomfort. "I'm fine."

She sent him a worried look, but was forced back to attention when a hellhound pounced, shoving her to the ground. She kicked it off, sending it flying over her head.

Percy brought his hand away from his side, grimacing at the red streaked across his fingers. "Come on," he muttered, frustrated at the last hellhound for clawing his guts out.

Luckily, they'd brought the five hellhounds to two, and Annabeth was very close to making that one.

Percy's eyes found the other hellhound, pacing back and forth on its massive paws, almost taunting him.

Finally, it lunged forward, and it was all Percy could do to stay on his feet as he kept his distance with Riptide.

In the secluded part of the forest they were in, there wasn't a drop of water to be seen. Not even a puddle surrounded them.

The mastiff swatted the sword from Percy's hands and wasted no time in advancing, leaving Percy defenseless until the pen returned to his pocket.

As the hellhound went in for the kill, Annabeth's drakon bone sword intercepted, swiftly leaving the monster nothing but an enormous pile of dust.

Percy sighed in relief as Annabeth reached out her hand to help him up.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

Annabeth dragged her eyes slowly across his body. "That was close."

Percy's vision blurred when he tried to take a step forward.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Annabeth reached out to keep him upright.

Percy nodded half-heartedly, feeling the wound he'd received in the fight, but kept his mouth shut about it. He could handle it until they were back at camp.

Annabeth took his hand. "Let's...head back."

Percy nodded again, but when they stepped forward, he winced and almost stumbled to his knees, Annabeth catching him.

"Hey, I got you." She gently checked him over for injuries, and when she came across the wound in his side, she gasped.

"Oh my gods Percy! I thought you said you were okay!"

"I didn't think it was that bad," Percy said through clenched teeth.

"You didn't think it was that bad? Are you looking at it?!"

Percy risked a look at his side, and seeing the raw skin almost made the pain flare.

"Okay," Annabeth said shakily. "Okay. Can you make it back to camp?"

Percy sucked in a breath when they tried to move forward. "I think I need to sit down."

Annabeth bit her lip as she slowly lowered both of them to the ground, Percy wincing the whole way.

She watched him breath heavily for a while, realizing this injury was serious. "We need a medic," she murmured.

"Okay," Percy said with effort. "You go find an Apollo kid."

Annabeth shook her head like it was on fire. "I'm not leaving you!"

Percy grasped her hand tightly, sweat forming in beads on his forehead. "I don't really think we have a choice."

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