One Shot #7: Does coke stain?

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Hey demigods!!
I'm so so so so sorry for the wait for this one shot.
This one is quite short, but I thought it was cute and I needed to update, so here we are :)
Enjoy <3

~ Flashback ~

"Jason, do you think you could control the weather and make it a bit warmer?"

"If I were going to do that, don't you think I would've done it by now?"

"Never quite sure when it comes to you."

Annabeth shivered. She, Percy, Jason, and Piper had gone on a little "double date."

Technically, they had been taking a message to Camp Jupiter, but once they had left they had stopped for dinner.

Now, they stood by a lake, stomachs full.

The moon reflected off of the water, and from the bridge they stood on, Annabeth had a nice view.

The only problem was the cold. It was freezing.

She slipped her hand into Percy's.

He looked down at her and grinned, twining his fingers with hers.

Annabeth didn't know when he had outgrown her. If she were honest, she liked it. When they hugged, they fit perfectly together, and he always rested his head on hers. It made her feel safe.

But she was stubborn. So she'd never tell him that.

A gust of chill wind whipped round her face.

She shivered once more.

Percy took notice this time, it seemed.

He shrugged off his grey sweatshirt and held it out for her to take.

Annabeth smiled.

She slipped it over her head, immediately welcoming the salty smell of the ocean.

The warmth that engulfed her made her feel safe, just like she did when she was in Percy's arms.

Percy draped his arm over her shoulder.

"Much better," she told him.

He planted a soft kiss on the top of her head.

~ End of flashback ~

Annabeth was having an awful day.
First, she blanked out in English class, only to realize her favorite teacher had called on her three times.

Then, she spilled coke all over her favorite shirt.

After that, she came home to an empty house, the rest of her family out.

Ultimately...she was missing Percy.

She had rolled her sleeves up and tried to take her mind off of him.

But she found herself in the kitchen, looking at a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and wondering if Helen kept any blue food coloring on hand.

When she couldn't find any, she gave up.

She went to her room and flopped on her bed.

Her eyes found their way to her office chair, where her favorite sweatshirt draped over the side.

Annabeth got up from her bed.

As proven multiple times, it was almost impossible to get the raven haired boy off her mind.

So, she reasoned, why not miss him to the fullest?

She threw on the sweatshirt.

It was almost like Percy was there, with her. How she longed to hug him, to hear his voice call 'Wise Girl,' to feel his soft lips against hers.

But he was in New York, and she wouldn't see him for a while.

The best she could do was talk to him through IMs––

That was it!

Annabeth opened her desk drawer and flipped a drachma into her palm. She let the faucet in her bathroom run, drawing the blinds up.

After reciting the usual speech type of offering, she requested, "Percy Jackson."

The back of Percy's head came into view. He was in his room, at his own desk, pencil in hand.

He seemed to be concentrating quite hard on something.

Annabeth's heart warmed as she realized it was his homework.

"Percy," she smiled.

His head perked up, and he turned around, a huge grin plastered across his face, reaching his ears.

"Nice sweatshirt, Wise Girl."

Okay, so that's it!
Not exactly proud of this one, but I figured I made you wait long enough.
I'll try to update soon - leave a vote and comment your thoughts!!
Peace out in demigodishness and all that ;)
~ Grace 💙💙

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