oneshot #31: blind dates

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hey demigods !

usually i don't write au's because 1 ) i personally prefer them with their full back stories and all the demigod stuff, and 2 ) i kinda suck at them bc of reason one.

but i found this prompt on pinterest and thought i'd give it a shot.

notice : i have nothing against rachel or luke. i absolutely love them both. just not with annabeth or percy. k ? k.

enjoy !

Annabeth sighed.

She knew this had been a bad idea.

“Miss? Are you ready to order?”

Annabeth gave the waitress a half smile. “Just need a few minutes.”

The woman nodded and walked off.

Annabeth ran a hand through her curly blonde hair. She’d washed it especially for tonight, and was starting to regret listening to Piper.

A blind date? At a restaurant she’d never even heard of? It was stupid.

Piper had been trying to get her to do one of these for years. After her breakup with Luke, Annabeth had kept to herself, had been able to focus more on school and her future.

But what was a life without true love? Apparently nothing, if you asked Piper.

And, now, because she listened to Piper, she was being stood up.

Annabeth could practically feel the apologetic glances being sent her way after the waitress had asked for her order a third time.

Why did she even care? She was better off alone. She wasn’t even hungry.

And yet, a part of Annabeth wanted him to just be late.

She missed always having someone to lean on, and talk to, though she’d never admit it.

And that stupid voice had her sitting here, alone and embarrassed.

What was worse, she recognized quite a few faces in the restaurant. A lot of them went to her school. Annabeth had never talked to most of them, but that just made it all the more humiliating.


Annabeth looked up to meet the young woman’s eyes again. “I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll just—”

In the same moment, a tall, dark haired boy slid into the booth in front of her.

“Sorry I’m so late, babe, traffic is crazy right now,” he said loudly.

Annabeth stared at him. She was almost sure this wasn’t the guy she had been sent here to meet. Piper had specifically told her he didn’t go to their school. Annabeth vaguely recognized the smirk on his face.

He waved towards the waitress. “Give us a few moments, please.”

She smiled, nodded, and turned to serve another table.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at the boy. He wore a grey t-shirt that only further confirmed her suspicions, because of the school logo stitched to the pocket. His raven black hair was disheveled, and his green eyes sparkled.

“I’m Percy,” he said under his breath. “Just go with it, yeah?”

Annabeth didn’t take her eyes off of him as she opened the menu in front of her.

“Annabeth,” she finally said. “You don’t have to—”

Percy shook his head. “Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a jerk.” He pointed with his thumb behind him. “I’m here with some friends, no sweat.”

Annabeth looked to the table he was pointing to. Another boy with curly hair and a blemished face was staring at them. Next to him was a shorter kid, again with curly hair. The last was the only female, a pale girl with an impressive amount of red, curly hair, who sent a smile Annabeth’s way.

Annabeth looked back to Percy. “Well, thank you. My friend thought a blind date would be a good idea,” she explained.

Percy laughed. “Grover and Leo, the two midgets over there, are trying to set me up with Rachel. I think we’re both just uncomfortable.”

Annabeth snorted. “So then, am I the one saving you?”

Percy perked his eyebrow over his menu. “We’ll see.”

Annabeth shook her head. “Alright then.”

The waitress stepped up again. “Ready?”

Annabeth nodded. “I’ll have a single serving with extra olives, please.”

Percy wrinkled his nose. “Just regular pepperoni for me. Is there any chance I could get that in blue?”


Annabeth pulled on her jacket as Percy went to get the door for her.

“Oh, boy. A gentleman.”

Percy snorted. “Yeah, well, chivalry shall never die.”

Annabeth widened her eyes as she stepped out into the chill air. “Gods. You’re more of a dork than I thought.”

Percy shrugged. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Annabeth turned to face him. The atmosphere suddenly turned quiet, still. Neither of them spoke for a few moments.

“Yeah, so…tonight was nice,” Percy rubbed the back of his neck.

Annabeth nodded. “We’ll have to do this again.”

Percy furrowed his brow. “Pretend that I’m your blind date and I was just late?”

Annabeth gave him a look.

He laughed and held up his hands. “Just kidding. How about we go out for real next time?”

Annabeth smiled. “I’d like that.”

The two exchanged phone numbers, and parted ways.

Annabeth thought to herself as she admired the blinding lights of New York City.

Piper’s gonna get it.

el fin !

hope you enjoyed, until next time, peace out in demigodishness and all that,

~ grace 💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙

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