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Dear Dream,

I don't know why I keep calling you Dream at the beginning of these. I never knew you as Dream, but only as good old Clay. I still haven't really watched any of your content, only bits and pieces from when I'm around Noah and he happens to be watching you. Does 'Dream' have a different personality than you? Do you pretend to be someone else when you're online? I've wondered that for a while now, but I guess I won't ever know the answer.

You wanna know what I saw today on my YouTube home page? Of course you do. The Mr. Beast 2020 Rewind. I saw your little Minecraft smile skin on the thumbnail, and I got curious on how you were going to be included— only to find out you had baited people into thinking you would do a face reveal.

Now before I completely watched it, I was shocked you would face reveal that way. I mean, come on now. A face reveal on someone else's channel? That would be super dumb. At least capitalize off of it for yourself, Clay. That was my thought until I realized you played us all and had a mask on. Nice touch though. Bonus points for props!

If I'm being honest, I was a bit disappointed that you didn't show your face. There was a part of me that was curious to find out if you had changed at all. If our break up affected you at all physically like it did with me.

For a while, there were constant black circles or bags under my eyes from all the crying and lack of sleep. I also had developed some acne from the lack of proper skin care because I was kind of depressed and lazy. There were days that I couldn't even leave my mattress. It was bad, Clay. I couldn't fix myself, but I also didn't let anyone help me at the same time. It took a while, but I got out of the depressive state and started taking care of myself again. Thanks for asking!!!! /s I'm sure you would've asked if you had known what was happening. At least I hope you would.

I'm sure you probably had no problem with any physical changes since apparently you were unaffected by the break up. Still don't understand how that could be, but still holding out that maybe one day I'll find out. Hopefully, it will have no relation to this letter because I'm still fairly certain you will never see any of these letters. Your fan base is growing exponentially, so I'm sure you get like a million letters each month. So what are the odds you actually get mine? Very small, I assume.

What do your fans even write to you? Let's face it. You are such a kind soul that there is no possible way that anybody could send you hate mail. I'm sure your fans all say wonderful and kind things about you, which surely boosts your ego and confidence. That's something I need in my life. People to give me compliments and boost my self esteem because it is severely lacking. It's a result of the depression I was in after the break up. Love that for me, don't you? Bet you didn't experience that at all, did ya Clay? Didn't think so, mister happy millionaire.

Good for you, Clay.

Sincerely, Lila 🦋

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