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The day passed by pretty quickly as it was spent entirely at the hospital with Drista and her family. Lila spent most of her time with Sapnap, leaving the family to have their space and time with Drista. Obviously, she kept her distance from Clay, but being polite and kind when they did have a small interaction or caught eye contact with one another. It's the least she could do considering the situation.

It was weird seeing her ex after all this time. It had been just a little over a year since the break up. She hadn't seen him in person since the day he called things off. The last words she had heard leave his mouth were "it's over." Adding in the fact that she had written a bunch of letters to the man certainly didn't help with the awkwardness factor.

Lila had decided that it would be best that she go home around 7:30 that night after a long day at the hospital. She said her goodbyes to Drista's family that was sitting in the waiting room. Then she made sure to hug and say goodbye to Sapnap, extending an invitation to hang out again soon whenever he was free.

After her goodbyes were said, Lila headed to Drista's room to check in with her before she left for the night. The girl had forgotten that Clay was in there currently with his little sister.

Two knocks on the door signaled her arrival before she opened the door completely. Her eyes first went to Clay, who looked right back at her, before she turned her attention to the girl in the bed.

"Hey Dee, how you feeling?" Lila greeted, stopping to stand next to her bed.

The teen girl smiled lightly before giving a shrug. "I'm okay. Pain comes and goes, but I'll be getting more pain meds soon, right Clay?"

"Yes, I think they said at 8:00 you are due for more," he answered immediately, leaning back in his chair on the other side of the bed.

Lila nodded. "Good. I'm glad you're still doing alright." She added, "I'm actually going to head home for the night, but wanted to make sure I checked on ya and said bye to you."

"Aww, will you be back tomorrow?" Drista asked, grabbing the older girl's hand with her unbroken arm.

"If you want me to, then of course I will." Drista nodded eagerly. "Alright, I'll text your mom when I'm coming up then."

"You should actually text Clay when you're coming up," Drista advised. Both twenty-one year olds gave her a look before she added, "What? He would see it faster than my mom would!"

Lila squeezed her hand gently before letting it go. "Mmk, well I guess I will text you tomorrow Clay before I come up." He nodded with a tight lip smile. Lila turned back to look at Drista. "I'll see you later, Dee. Stay strong. Call me if you need me to come back up here, okay?"

Drista nodded with a smile. "I will. Love you, Li. Drive safe, please. Be careful." The last words kind of scared Lila since a car accident caused Drista to be here in the first place. She was going to be super safe going home tonight.

"Love you too, and I will, I promise," she smiled, pinky promising the girl.

As she was about to leave the room, Drista called out, "Wait, real quick, how did that date go?" Who knows if she was intentionally riling up her brother or not, but that instantly got his attention. Lila had went on a date?

Clay sat up a little straighter, eyes trained on the blonde girl standing near the door, waiting to hear her response. Both girls noticed this sudden attention to the conversation. Each girl feeling different about the situation. Lila had made direct eye contact with the boy and instantly fidgeted under his gaze so she quickly looked away. The boy had a look that was a mix of confusion, hurt, and surprise.

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