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Lila had just received one of the worst calls she had ever gotten. It caused her to shoot up from her desk chair, where she was working on some homework, to run into her kitchen to grab her keys. Her heart was racing as panic set in, causing her to have trouble breathing properly. She was so scared.

Drista was in a car accident, and was currently at the hospital. Her mother knew how much her daughter and Lila had been talking recently, and thought it was important to let the older girl know considering Drista was like a little sister to her. Lila didn't even think twice before racing down to her apartment's parking lot to drive to the hospital.

As soon as she got there, she ran to the front desk, asking for the status and room number of the girl. They were about to tell her just before Drista's mom came around the corner to get her.

The first thing she did was wrap her arms around the woman. You could see the tears stained on her face. The pure fear for her daughter's life in her eyes. The girl knew she needed some comfort in that moment, hugging the mom until she let go.

"How is she doing?" Lila immediately asked once their hug was over and they began walking down the hallway.

Drista's mom sighed, wiping away a few stray tears that had fallen. "She's a resilient girl as you know, so the doctors are optimistic she will be okay with no long term effects. They are still checking her out fully though."

"Always so strong," Lila commented with a small smile. "I know she gets that from you." The woman laughed. A smile also forming on her face. "So what's the damage from wreck?"

She explained, "The car was hit on the passenger side of the car, but towards the back seat so it didn't full on hit her. Who knows what kind of damage the car will have after it's all checked out. Drista walked away with a broken arm, a pretty deep cut on the leg and a concussion most likely. Cuts and bruises also litter her skin. She was really lucky today, and I'm thanking God that someone up there protected her so that it wasn't worse."

The younger one was grateful that it wasn't worse than it was. "Oh gosh, yeah. I'm super thankful she's not horribly hurt. I was worried sick when you told me she was here because of a car accident."

"I didn't mean to scare you to death, hun," she smiled lightly. "I just know Drista will be really happy to see you here."

"Are we able to see her yet?" Lila asked with a hopeful tone as they stopped by the nurse's station.

The question was relayed to one of the nurses who granted them access to her room. Her mother had been with her nearly the entire time she was getting care, so she let Lila go in by herself for a little.

Knocking gently on the door, she opened it slowly to peak inside to make sure it was okay to proceed. When she saw Drista turn her head to look, she immediately stepped in the room. She took note of the cast on her arm as well as the bandages on her leg and little cuts on her face and other arm.

"Lila? Is that you?" Drista called out weakly. A sense of relief washed over Lila as she saw that the girl was awake, and well, alive. Similarly, a sense of peace washed over Drista as one of her favorite people entered the room to see her after one of the scariest moments in her life.

She nodded, making her way over to the side of the bed. She ran her hands through Drista's hair. "Yes, it's me. I'm here, Dee. Are you okay?"

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