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"Until we meet again? Seriously?" Clay asked out loud, exasperated, as he reread the last lines of Lila's final letter. "It's a line from her favorite show, the 100, when people are separating from each other," he explained to Sapnap as he threw down the letter on the counter in front of him.

The younger boy had just returned from Lila's apartment and had given Dream the last letter from Lila, plus the one before that which came in the mail earlier that morning.

"She didn't tell me she wasn't going to write to you anymore," Sapnap noted, just as confused by the words as his roommate. "Why is she stopping?"

Clay sighed, leaning back against the counter. "Lila never intended for me to read the letters, and so now that I have gotten them, she doesn't want to do it anymore. Plus she thought my letter back to her was fake or something, like I was just being nice and wasn't genuine."

Sapnap scoffed, "Really? I thought your letter sounded good when I read it."

"So did I!" He exclaimed. "I don't get it."

After a few moments of silence, Sapnap spoke up again, leaning on the adjacent counter so he could face his friend. "So... Why did you guys break up?" He asked quietly after clearing his throat.

Clay was taken back by the question. He never thought Sapnap would actually ask him about the exact reason they split. Admittedly, Clay wasn't proud of the reason he broke up with Lila, and certainly didn't like to dwell on it. Whenever someone asked why they broke up, he just said that things weren't working out. People believed that for the most part, but there were a few who knew better but stayed silent about it.

Clay and Lila were a great couple. Everyone could see that just from watching them interact for a few minutes. They balanced each other out. Very similar to each other, which made things easier on them since they were able to understand the other pretty well. Some would even say that they are like soulmates.

But maybe things were going a little too well for Clay to handle. He broke things off with her out of nowhere. Well at least it was unexpected for her. On the other hand, he had been thinking about it for a few weeks before actually pulling the plug on their relationship.

"I-I, well, okay," he started, fidgeting under Nick's stare. "I broke things off with her a little over a year ago. Things were going really good for us, and I don't know... I guess I just freaked out about how well it was going, and told her that I couldn't do it anymore," he admitted sadly, playing with his fingers anxiously. "I told her that I couldn't love her the way she needed me to, and that she just wasn't enough for me."

Sapnap sighed loudly, running a hand down his face. "God, Dream, what the hell is wrong with you? You couldn't have chosen a worse way to fucking put it," he said bluntly, outwardly stating his disappointment in his friend.

"I know," he replied, not even denying the fact that it was a horrible way to end things. "I was just scared, Sap. I had never been in such a serious relationship before. I didn't know what to say or do," Clay defended himself.

"You should've just talked to her about it, instead of just shutting down and ending things," Nick replied in frustration. "You said it yourself, things were great. Yeah, you got scared and freaked out, but you should've just told Lila what you were feeling. You guys could've worked it out together. Instead she got her heart broken out of nowhere, and you lost a great girl— probably your soulmate. Neither of you were happy for a really long time after you called it quits. I mean I can't speak for either of you, but you both don't seem to be doing as good as you were when you were together," Sapnap pointed out, giving an outsider's point of view.

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