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Knock. Knock. Knock. Three distinct knocks on the front door sounded out through Lila Nolan's small apartment. She was a bit confused since she wasn't expecting anyone, and her best friend Eva had left her apartment thirty minutes ago so it would be weird if she came back. She stood up from her couch and walked to the door, peering through the peep hole to see a boy standing outside. Vaguely, he looked familiar so she unlocked and opened the door to reveal herself to the visitor.

"Hi, can I help you?" Lila asked, tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked at the boy in front of her.

He smiled briefly at her, clearly a bit nervous to be there. "You're Lila, right?" He asked. The girl nodded slowly before waiting for him to say something else. "Dope. I'm Nick or Sapnap, whichever you would like to call me."

Once she realized what he said, a grin spread across her face. His voice and facial features suddenly clicked in her mind. "Shut the fuck up!" She yelled with a smile, immediately stepping forward into the hallway to throw her arms around him. "Oh my god, Nicky! I can't believe it's you. I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't place a name to the face."

He wrapped his arms around her in response, thankful that she was happy to see him. "I'll let you calling me Nicky slide just this once. I'm so happy to meet you in person," he admitted with a smile.

"Me too!" Lila let him go and invited him inside her apartment. "Please, come in! Would you like anything? Food or water?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks though," Nick smiled.

"Here, we can sit down in the living room," she gestured to the area with couches, taking a seat after he sat down as well. Her mind was racing with thoughts, wanting to know anything and everything about the boy she hadn't talked to in over a year. But the first thing she needed to know was: "How the hell did you find my address?" She asked with a laugh.

He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Um, Dream gave it to me," he answered hesitantly. "I mean Clay. Fuck, I don't know which to call him," he mumbled. She was kind of surprised that her ex would still know her address, let alone that he would willingly give it to his best friend.

"You can call him either. I'll know who you're talking about," Lila assured him. She then realized something. Panic set in. "Wait, how did you know that I knew he was Dream?"

Sapnap bit his lip. "Well, Clay sort of got all your letters and shared them with me..."

"Wait what?! He got those letters?? Fuck, I didn't think he would," she screeched, putting her head in her hands, mentally trying to remember all the shit she wrote in those letters. All embarrassing dumps of her unsorted feelings, memories, and resentment. She let out a deep sigh and raised her head again to look at the boy.

"Yeah, he got nine of them. That reminds me," he started to say as he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out an envelope. "He actually wrote you a letter back. Here you go." He handed her the letter.

Lila ran her hand over the letters of her name that were written on the envelope. Still the same scratchy handwriting. "I don't know if I want to read this," she admitted quietly, not looking at Nick.

"You don't have to," he replied, watching her facial expressions, "It's up to you."

"I will later, maybe. I don't know," she said after a while, setting the letter down on the coffee table in front of her. "Um, so does he know you're here?"

"Yeah, kind of. I didn't tell him when I was going to come over here, but he knew I would eventually which is why he gave me your address."

"Cool, cool. I won't make your visit all about him, but h-how is he?" She asked honestly curious.

Nick smiled, "He's doing alright, or as well as he can be considering he gets canceled nearly every day for no reason. Some days are better than others, but now that I've moved in with him, I'm watching out for him." In all honesty he was looking out for Clay. He made sure he got sleep, even though both of their sleep schedules were messed up. He made sure that the older boy ate 3x a day, and made sure the boy was productive on most days.

"That's good! I'm glad you're there for him. I know how much you mean to him so I bet he really loves having you around," Lila replied genuinely with a smile.

He laughed, "He's my best friend so I would hope he would like having me around." The girl only shrugged in reply, jokingly hinting that maybe Clay didn't like the company.

The two friends then delved into topics that didn't pertain to Clay. Discussing things like school, Nick's decision to drop out, how George was doing, his move to Florida, their jobs, and family life. It was nice to catch up after not speaking for a year since their only line of communication came from the middle man being Lila's ex-boyfriend. It didn't feel like much changed in their friendship. They simply eased right back into it.

Nick had to admit— he was nervous at first when he showed up at her apartment. He wasn't sure what to expect. He had never seen her in person since her boyfriend was faceless, therefore making her faceless to him as well. The girl was very pretty, and Sapnap was surprised that Clay could've pulled her all those years ago.

There was also the aspect that he didn't know if Lila would be okay with him showing up randomly, let alone showing up at all at her front door. After all, he was best friends with the guy who broke her heart. There was bound to be tension there, but luckily, there wasn't.

Sapnap only stayed for an hour at her place before telling her that he should head back to Clay's house because they had to film a video. He stated how much he enjoyed meeting and hanging out with her. The girl replied saying the same, but insisting that they hang again some time soon since she enjoyed his company. They exchanged phone numbers to make communication feasible between them before she walked him to the door and said their goodbyes.

Once he left, she returned to her living room and stared at the letter for a while, debating whether to open it or not. She was never expecting a reply to those letters. Even though she hoped he would never see them, she figured even if he did see them, he wouldn't reply.

Eventually, she caved and read the letter as she was curled up on her couch. She had to reread it a couple of times to make sure what she was reading was real. It answered a lot of her questions and gave her some insight that she didn't realize she wanted or needed.

Most of all, it answered her biggest question. Did he regret meeting her? Did he wish they never met?

The answer was no. Clay did not regret it, not for a single second.

Author's Note:
i hate this chapter, but whatever. VOTE AND COMMENT IF UR COMFORTABLE <3 )


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