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Zhongli opened his eyes as it was silent in the rather small room, looking around to see that the sun was already rising again — he had fallen asleep. The child was still snuggled besides him and the male still sat upright as he leaned against the wall. It was still early in the morning but late enough for Zhongli to start his day.

Carefully standing up, the male tried to not wake up the kid that was still fast asleep, walking over towards the window as he quietly opened it, watching as there was almost nobody outside yet other than some guards and people who needed to open their shops early. The brown haired male turned around as he saw ( Y/N ) peacefully laying there and went towards them, picking them up as he carried them towards the door, silently opening it as he stepped outside, closing it behind and walked towards his office again with the child in his arms.

Nobody else was there yet — the floor empty and silent as even Hu Tao, the one who mostly was the first one to be up, wasn't there. Entering his office, Zhongli sat ( Y/N ) down on his office chair as he went over towards one of the bookshelves in the room, skipping through some of the pages of a few books, reading some papers and also requests for a funeral — time passed as the sun was now clearly seen on the blue sky again.

It was basically what the male did every normal day when he didn't had any other things to do. He decided to visit some clients that day, organizing the funeral that they requested. That way, he also could take ( Y/N ) with him since they couldn't just stay inside of the office all day. That was when said kid also opened their eyes, seemingly still a bit tired as they looked up at Zhongli who had noticed the now awake kid and walked up to them.

"Oh, Your awake already? That's good"

He said, slightly smiling at them as he laid the few papers in his hands down again to the other ones that laid on his desk — walking around the wooden desk towards the chair as he then picked ( Y/N ) up again, stroking through their hair a bit so it wouldn't be that messy anymore.

"We should get you changed now. We're going to visit some clients today"

The brown haired male said as ( Y/N ) nodded, excited but still tired, smiling brightly as Zhongli had left the office again to get the kids clothes.


The two went outside as now many people were walking down the street — ( Y/N ) on top of the males shoulders as he was holding their leg with one hand, walking down the path along with all the other citizen as the child looked around, being above all the people's heads due to Zhongli's height. The brown haired male turned at some corners till they reached a rather small house, knocking on the door as a woman with short black hair and green eyes opened the it.

"Good Morning, you must be mrs. Chen, right? My name is Zhongli — I'm from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and here because of the funeral organization that you requested"

"Oh, yes, please come in mr. Zhongli"

As that was said, the male nodded and came inside, ( Y/N ) admiring every decoration inside of the house from Zhongli's shoulders as they swayed their legs back and forth — at least the one that the male wasn't holding as the female who lead them towards the small kitchen, didn't seemed to be much irritated by the fact that Zhongli had brought a child with him.

As that was said, the male nodded and came inside, ( Y/N ) admiring every decoration inside of the house from Zhongli's shoulders as they swayed their legs back and forth — at least the one that the male wasn't holding as the female who lead them ...

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!! Important A/N !!

The update day is going to be every fourth and not third day from now on since I published a new story again 👁👄👁💧 ups

But I hope you enjoyed and had / have a good day. See you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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