The Rumor

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The next day, the kids were visiting the Wiggles again.

Murray was holding his stomach and breathing heavily.

"Is something wrong, Murray?" said Meg.

"No, Meg. I just feel like I have to throw up" said Murray.

"Morning sickness?" Anthony whispered.

"Yeah" Murray whispered back.

Charles Wallace and Sam overheard the whispering.

"Morning sickness?" said Charles Wallace.

"What's he mean by that?" Sam said.

"I dunno. Maybe the Wiggles know what's going on and aren't telling us" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin was reading the paper.

"Guys, you need to see this" he said.

Sam, Meg and Charles Wallace read the headline.

It said The Wiggles Possibly Having Kids.

"Having kids? What's that all about?" said Meg.

"It could be why Murray is acting really strangely" said Sam.

"Yeah. Maybe they already read the morning paper and Murray is getting "sick" because it's stressing him out" said Calvin.

"That's probably it, but we heard the Wiggles mention morning sickness" said Charles Wallace.

"Now THAT I don't get" said Calvin.

"Me either." said Meg.

"We should probably keep investigating" Sam said.

"Good thinking. We're sleeping over with the Wiggles next week. We can see if anything happens overnight" said Calvin.

"Good idea" said Charles Wallace.

"But how on earth could a rumor like this be?" said Meg.

"Not on its own. Journalists are really stupid." said Calvin.

"Yeah. It's probably just people playing jokes" Sam said.

"Maybe. But we might never know" said Meg. 

"Maybe that's an idea. We find out what's going on with Muzz and also figure out if this rumor is true" said Calvin.

"Great!" said Charles Wallace.

"We'll start next time we visit the Wiggles" said Sam.

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