Use Your Head

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Murray was sobbing in pain. The baby was really coming now.

"Sam. What am I gonna do?" Murray cried.

"Murray. Relax. You've done this three times before" said Sam.

"I know. But it still hurts" said Murray.

"Well, at least you're better at this than Paul" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace! You're not helping!" said Calvin.

Murray then had another contraction.

"My contractions are really strong now!" he sobbed.

"What are we gonna do, Sam?" said Charles Wallace.

"Use your head" said Sam.

She started carrying Charles Wallace like a battering ram.

"BUT I DON'T WANNA USE MY HEAD!!!!!!" Charles Wallace yelled.

Sam jabbed Charles Wallace's head into Murray's tummy. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

"Ouch! Sam! What did you just do?" Murray cried.

"I'm trying to help you have your baby" said Sam.

"Sam! Jamming Charles Wallace's head into Murray's tummy is NOT gonna help!" scolded Calvin.

"Yeah. All Murray needs to do... is push" said Meg.

"Right... push" Murray panted.

"Without me using my head?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yes. Put my brother down, Sam" said Meg.

"Then what else can I do" said Sam.

"I know. When Murray has another contraction, as he pushes, you count to ten." said Meg.

"What happens when I get to ten?" said Sam.

"Then you let him relax" said Meg.

"This may be harder than I thought" said Sam.

"Don't worry, Sam. Do what Meg says and Murray will be fine" said Greg.

"Okay..." Sam whispered.

"Sam... I dunno if I'm ready to push for ten seconds" said Murray.

"Hey. It's the only way you can have your baby" said Sam.

"I know you can do it, Murray" said Anthony.

"Yeah. You've done it before" said Jeff.

Murray had another contraction then took a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm ready" he said.

"So am I" said Sam.

"Okay. Good luck" said Greg.

"In the meantime, you three should probably come with us until the baby is born" said Anthony.

"Good idea" said Calvin.

And the others left Murray and Sam to deliver the baby alone.

"Sam..." said Murray.

"Another contraction?" said Sam.

"I think so" Murray winced. 

"Okay. You heard Meg. Push!" Sam encouraged.

Murray did as he was told while Sam counted to ten.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" Sam said.

Then Murray relaxed. 

"This is really hard. It really hurts" he cried.

"I know. But I'm still here holding your hand" said Sam.

Murray smiled. 

"I love you, Sam" he said.

"I love you too" said Sam.

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