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The guys eventually found a clearing where there wasn't so many trees.

"Maybe that's the beach where Meg is" said Charles Wallace.

They moved closer and they found a swampy lake and moss all over the place.

"Looks like we found a swamp instead of a beach" said Calvin.

"I'll fly up and see where we are" said Sam.

"Be careful, Sam" said Murray.

Sam looked and she knew where they were.

"Oh no. We're not anywhere near Miami. We're in Orlando" she said.

"Orlando?! Seems like this is gonna take a while" said Calvin.

"We better get going" said Greg.

"But going where? We could be anywhere" said Jeff.

"Everything looks the same here and we have no idea which way we're going" said Anthony.

"I just hope we can get there. I'm afraid my baby's life will be over before it begins" said Murray.

"Relax, Muzz. She has plenty of time before she's even born" said Calvin.

"Come on. We better hurry" said Charles Wallace.

The guys walked a little more when they heard some trumpeting.

They followed the sound and found a gator playing the trumpet.

"A gator playing the trumpet? That's a new one" said Calvin.

"You bet it's new, playboy!" said the gator.

"A talking gator playing the trumpet is even newer" said Sam.

"Well, new is good, baby. The name's Louis" said the gator.

"Hello, Louis. We're the Wiggles" said Greg.

The Wiggles introduced themselves one at a time.

"I'm Greg"

"I'm Murray"

"I'm Jeff"

"And I'm Anthony"

"Pleasure's all mine, boys. And who are these three?" said Louis.

"We're the kids. I'm Sam. The cool one. He's Calvin" said Sam.

"The smart one" said Calvin.

"And I'm Charles Wallace. The talented one" said Charles Wallace.

"Nice to meet you. Where you off to?" said Louis.

"Miami." said Sam.

"Miami, whoa! You are far from there. It's a powerful long walk" said Louis.

"We weren't supposed to be here anyway. Our plane crashed" said Murray.

"Crashed? Oh, that ain't good at all" said Louis.

"Can you help us get to Miami by Thursday?" said Charles Wallace.

"Of course. But you'll need some magic to get there by Thursday" said Louis.

"What kind of magic? I am a magician" said Greg.

"A lot more powerful than a magician's magic. You'll need the kind Mama Odie does" said Louis.

"Mama Odie?" said Calvin.

"She's the voodoo magician from this swamp. It's a long way away so you better hurry up" said Louis.

"But we don't know where she lives" said Sam.

"Luckily for you guys, you met an expert. I know this swamp like the back of my hand. Come on. Follow me" said Louis.

"Beauty mate!" said the Wiggles in unison.

"Thanks so much, Louis!" said Charles Wallace.

"No prob" said Louis.

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