Snooping Around

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The kids went to the Wigglehouse.

"Who is it?" said Flora Door.

"Hi, Flora. Are the Wiggles home?" said Sam.

"I'm sorry, Sam. The Wiggles went to the doctor. They should be back soon" said Flora Door.

"Thanks anyway" said Calvin.

The kids took a stroll down the streets of Wiggletown.

"If the Wiggles are at the doctor..." said Calvin.

"They're probably figuring out what's wrong with Murray" said Charles Wallace.

"If Anthony already knew about the "morning sickness", I think they already know" said Calvin.

"But we don't" said Sam.

"I don't think we ever will. The Wiggles won't tell us" said Calvin.

"Maybe we do know after reading the paper" Sam said.

"Probably. That's why we're staying up all night and experimenting on Murray" said Charles Wallace.

"I really feel bad spying on Muzz all night" said Calvin.

Then Sam got an idea.

"Maybe we won't have to anymore" Sam said.

"What do you mean, Sam?" said Calvin.

"Come on" said Sam flying away.

The boys followed Sam to the doctors office.

"Wait... wait, Sam" said Calvin.

"What are we doing?" said Charles Wallace.

The kids slunk into the doctors office and stopped at reception.

"Patient's name?" said the receptionist.

"The Wiggles" Sam said.

"Ah, yes. They're in... room 158 on the top floor" said the receptionist.

"Thank you" said Sam.

"Sam. What is going on?" said Calvin.

"We're gonna watch the Wiggles' checkup" said Sam.

"I see! Now we'll really know" said Charles Wallace.

"Come on. And we can't let the Wiggles see us" Sam said.

The kids went to the top floor and found room 158.

"Now what? If we just walk in, the Wiggles will know we're here" said Calvin.

"Odds are Murray is gonna go in the bathroom and puke. We'll have to listen for it" Sam said.

The kids cautiously cracked the door open and peeked inside.

In a few seconds they saw Murray clap his hand over his mouth and stomach.

Then all four Wiggles went into the bathroom.

"Now's our chance. Quick. Hide" said Calvin.

"Hide where? If we try to hide somewhere here, the Wiggles can still see us" said Charles Wallace.

"Guys. Look. We're in luck. There's a balcony out here. We can hide out here and still watch the Wiggles get checked out" Sam said.

"Good eye, Sam" said Calvin.

The kids hid on the balcony.

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