Hunter Attack

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The guys kept moving until it was night.

"Let's stop here for the night. The hunters is out at night" said Louis.

"We can't stop, guys" said Calvin.

"But, Calvin, we're starving" said Anthony.

"We'll go find some food. In the meantime, get some rest, Murray" said Sam.

The kids went to find some food while the Wiggles rested.

And then they saw shadows creeping up.

"Ha! A gator!" said a hunter.

"Hunters!" Louis screamed.

The Wiggles hid while Ray attacked the hunters.

"Don't make me light my butt!" Ray yelled.

While the Wiggles were hiding, Murray's unborn baby started trembling violently.

"Ooh... It's gonna be fine, little one. At least you're unable to see what's happening out here" Murray whispered.

"Everything okay, Murray?" said Anthony.

"My poor baby. She's really frightened." said Murray.

"What do we do now?" said Greg.

"I dunno, but... I feel really bad" said Murray.

Ray came back and said "You boys okay?"

"We're fine" said Greg.

"But those hunters really scared poor Murray's littlie" said Anthony.

"She's really trembling. Oh, Ray, what should I do?" said Murray.

"Here. Sit down, playboy" said Ray.

Louis showed up with a leaf of water.

"Here, Murray. Take a drink. You'll feel better" he said.

"Alright. But I don't know how drinking water will calm a trembling baby" said Murray.

The kids eventually found some fruit when the hunters found them.

"You're not after our gators are ya?" said the second hunter.

Sam sucker punched the hunters and they passed out.

"Problem solved" she said.

The kids were then able to find the Wiggles again.

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