We're Finally Here!

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The Wiggles and the kids landed on a sandy beach.

"Is everybody okay?" said Greg.

"We're fine" the other Wiggles responded.

"Murray. You alright?" said Jeff placing his hand on Murray's tummy.

"We're both fine" said Murray patting his tummy.

"Charles. You okay?" said Anthony.

Charles Wallace was sitting in the sand.

"I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs!" he yelled.

Calvin sat up and said "Those are my legs".

"Wait. Where's Sam?" said Murray.

Sam flew down.

"Here I am. Seriously, you guys need to learn how to land" she said.

"Where on earth are we now?" said Calvin.

"Well... we're not in a swamp anymore" said Greg.

"No we're not! We're on the beach!" squealed Charles Wallace.

"Now all we have to do is find your aunt's beach house" said Anthony.

"And I know where it is and where we are. Follow me" said Charles Wallace.

The guys made their way to Aunt Rina's beach house.

"There they are!" said Meg.

"Meg!" said Charles Wallace.

"Guys!" Meg sobbed.

"We were worried about all of you" said George.

"We were worried we'd never get here" said Calvin.

"Kids... Murray IS pregnant" said Paul.

"But how does he already look full term? Last time we say him, he was slightly thinner" said John.

"It's a long story, lads" said Sam.

"Yeah. A really long story" said Calvin.

Aunt Rina showed her face.

"How are my favorite children? Charles Wallace. Calvin. And Sam" she said.

"You recognize us?" said Sam.

"I'd recognize you darlings anywhere. In every letter Meg and Charles Wallace send, they talk about the things they've done with you" said Aunt Rina.

"Well, that's nice to know" said Calvin.

"And the Wiggles! So nice to finally meet you" said Aunt Rina.

"G'day, Aunt Rina" said Anthony.

The Wiggles introduced themselves one at a time.

"I'm Anthony"

"I'm Jeff"

"I'm Murray"

"And I'm Greg"

"Thanks so much for bringing the kids here" said Aunt Rina.

"We're glad we could" said Jeff.

"We're only sorry we can't do more" said Murray.

"Yeah. We're really sorry you lost Kate" said Greg.

"That's why we're here to help as well" said Anthony.

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