Meg Arrives

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Meg and the lads had just arrived at Rina Murry's beach house in Miami.

"Is that my Megsie?" said Aunt Rina.

"Hi, Auntie Rina" said Meg.

"And the Beatles! Such handsome young men!" said Aunt Rina.

"Nice to meet you" said George.

"Where's my dad?" said Meg.

"In the other room. You boys stay out here with me" said Aunt Rina.

Meg went to grieve with her dad and the lads stayed.

"Where's Charles Wallace? I thought I'd see my favorite nephew too" said Aunt Rina.

"We had him and the other two stay with the Wiggles until we can calm down Meg" said John.

"Other two?" said Aunt Rina.

"Yes, ma'am. Calvin O'Keeffe and Sam Pan. They do everything together with your niece and nephew" said Paul.

"Oh, well. Can I expect to see the three of them soon?" said Aunt Rina.

"Sure. We had the Wiggles take them here tomorrow" said Ringo.

"How wonderful. They'll be just in time for Kate's funeral" said Aunt Rina.

"Yeah, they're good kids. They'll be here" said George.

"How's Mr Murry holding up?" said Paul.

"He's hanging in there. In fact, he was too distraught to call Meg at the Cavern when Kate died. So I called instead" said Aunt Rina.

"Well, now they're grieving together. They're good" said Ringo.

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