Nearly Recovered

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Dr Jones was attending to Paul.

"He seems to be nearly recovered. He just needs to help young Meg go through her mother's funeral. Then her something awful will be handled" she said.

"But what do we say to our manager and the journalists?" said John.

"Hmm. Paul is your best friend. If you betray him, it'll make his condition worse" said Dr Jones.

"Makes sense. I guess that's why they call it "strange love syndrome"." said George.

"Will he be alright?" said Ringo.

"Oh, yes. He'll be fine after the funeral" said Dr Jones. 

Then she left.

"This could keep me up all night worrying about Paul" said John.

"We better keep our eyes on him during the funeral" said Ringo.

"Yeah" George agreed.

Paul was chilling in his room thinking about what he did to the Wiggles.

He really loved them just as much as the kids did.

"I really messed up didn't I?" said Paul to himself.

He sang about how sorry he was for torturing the Wiggles.

And for how sorry he was for hurting the kids repeatedly. 

As I take a step away from you, darling

As I look for one more long last goodbye

As I hold this moment, I can't bare the pain without you

Knowing what our love will find

When I feel this pain inside, I don't know where to run

My heart just can't take this life long

As it rises up in me, I see which way to turn

You're everything I wanna learn and know

Can I take another step towards you darling?

Can I hold you close just one last time?

Can I feel this love we had here all around us

Deep inside me one last time

I can't face this one more time not knowing where to run

You're the one I turn to every time

I'm not too scared to open up and show you how I feel

Love is real with your hand in mine

As I take a step away from you, darling

As I look for one more long last goodbye

I still feel your love inside my heart, it's burning, burning

Knowing that our love won't die

With this long goodbye

Long goodbye

Last goodbye

Meg heard Paul singing and came in.

"Don't let it get to you, Paulie. You're sick. You had no idea what you were doing" she said.

"Aw, Meg. I'm so sorry. I love you and your mates so much. And I love the Wiggles. I just wish I knew what I had" said Paul.

"I know" Meg whispered.

"Hmm. I suppose this is a new low for me" said Paul.

"It is, but I forgive you." said Meg.

"But the Wiggles won't" said Paul.

"The Wiggles can be as angry as they please. But I love you, Paul McCartney" said Meg.

"Well, Meg Murry, I'm glad to hear you say that" said Paul with a smile.

"There's the Paul smile I know and love" said Meg.

The two of them hugged.

"You know, I miss my mom, but I'm okay. I have you and my family and my friends" said Meg.

"I guess I realize that about myself too. It doesn't matter that Sam is back together with Murray or that you're all mates with the Wiggles. Many people love me. Literally" said Paul.

"Now you're talking" said Meg.

They hugged one last time.

Here's the song.

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