Vacation Gone Wrong

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When the kids eventually returned to the Cavern, they were ready to show the Beatles their data.

"That's just weird" said John.

"At least we know exactly why Paul seemingly had a heart attack. But you needed to take data for Murray?" said Ringo.

"We needed to because he wouldn't tell us. The Wiggles are at the doctors now so they might tell us after" said Calvin.

"Hey, Meg. We have a phone call for you" Sam said.

"Thanks, Sam" said Meg.

She picked up the phone while the other three finished with the lads.

"Maybe now that we're home, we can learn more about strange love syndrome" said Charles Wallace.

"Maybe. Before Paul was having heart attacks because of it, we didn't even know it existed" said George.

"I actually did some reading about it when I was doing the night shift on Wednesday" said Calvin.

"What's the treatment?" Sam said.

"You have to help the one you love get through something awful." said Calvin.

"That's not gonna be easy. Meg is one of the most positive people I know since we brought my dad back from outer space" said Charles Wallace.

Meg then came in. She looked both shocked and sad at the same time.

"You okay?" said John.

Meg paused for a second then said "No."

"What's wrong?" said George.

Meg wiped away a tear before answering.

"My mom died" she said.

"What?!" said Calvin.

"It was my aunt on the phone. She said my mom took a nap... and she never woke up" said Meg.

"Oh my god, Meg!" said Charles Wallace hugging his sister.

"I am SO sorry, Meg" said Calvin.

"Me too" Sam said.

"Is there anything we can do?" said George.

"No. There isn't" said Meg.

"Look, Meg. When Paul and I lost our mums, we didn't have friends to support us except each other. You do" said John.

"You should probably tell Paul. He knows what it's like losing a mom as a teen" said Sam.

"Yeah.." Meg cried.

She went into Paul's room.

"Maybe we should get Meg to Florida where her father is" said John.

"What about us?" said Charles Wallace.

"You kids will have to stay with the Wiggles until Meg can calm down" said Ringo.

The kids agreed.

They said goodbye to Meg and the lads and headed for Wiggletown.

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