3. Meeting the Other Salvatore

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We are sitting at the Grill and apperantly after I went to sleep last night everything went to hell. Vicki got attacked by an animal, and was hurt really badly. I'm glad I left the party when I did, because I was definately not sober enough to have handled that.

"I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie told us. She looked so passionate about what she was talking about. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, and then you poored Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens." Caroline mocked. "So then what?" she askes directing the conversation back to Elena and Stefan, with a hint of jelousy in her tone. "So then, nothing" Elena replied. Caroline looked like she wasn't believing it "You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy feely of any kind?"

"Nope. We didn't go there." Elena answered awkwardly. "Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Ok? You're supposed to share the smut." Caroline said like it was stating the obvious. "Umm. No. I, for one, am a twin who does not want to hear, see, or smell the smut." I said praying the subject would drop. But just my luck, it didn't. "We just talked for hours." Elena insisted. "Ok, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" Caroline exclaimed. Which sounded like she was supressing something to me. "Or guy likes guy, sex! Or girl likes girl, sex." I stated.

"Profound." Elena stated sarcastically. Then she starts getting up. I give her a wierd look and a raised eyebrow. "Where are you going?" Bonnie asked. Eventhough I thought it was pretty obvious, she was taking Carolines advice. "Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll talk myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying I was gonna do." Elena explained but then she turned to me, my brows furrowed.

"You're coming." She says like its no big deal. "Umm. No I'm not. Like I said I dont wanna see, smell, or hear the horney teenagers doing the do." I said shaking my head. What was she thinking? "You're my ride, and I need you to drive me there." she ordered me. "Ugh, fine." I agreed grabbing my keys and we left.


Elena rings the old fashioned doorbell but no one answered. "Well, no one's home, time to go." I say trying to walk away because I didn't want to be here at all. Before I could get away, Elena grabbed my arm, it kind of hurt but I could tell she didn't mean to, so I dropped it. She knocked this time but the door creaked open and she started walking inside. "Elena, are you an idiot? This is like a big horror movie no-no." I whispered to her but she ignored me so I sighed and walked in after her.

"Stefan? Stefan?" she called out. "Looks like he's not here. Can we go now?" I asked desprate to get out of here. It's creepy to just walk up into sombodies house like you own it. She shook her head and pointed to Stefans backpack on the floor. Meaning he was home.

We look up to see a guy with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He wasn't the worst thing to look at. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person I'd want to get involed with. "I-I'm sorry for barging in, the door was" she turned and pointed at the door only to see it was now closed. "..open." she trailed off. Yeah, sure Elena, because that makes it okay. "You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Stefans brother. And you must be Ariana." He said glancing at me but keeping a rather creepy stare on Elena.

"He didn't tell me he had a brother." Elena pointed out. He did she just wasn't listening. I could tell Damon was a vampire too, but the feeling I had this time was stronger. Maybe he's stronger than Stefan. "Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." he said kindly. I could tell it was fake, he had this glint in his eye. Mischief?

I tuned out their convesation, admiring the house. I obviously listened when Damon brought up Katherine, but I didn't say anything. "I'm a fatalist. Hello, Stefan." Damon greeted his brother without even turning. I looked and sure enough, Stefan was in the doorway. "Elena, Ariana, I didn't know you were coming over." Stefan pointed out. I just looked down because the reason we came here wasn't exactly the most decent.

"I know, we should have called, We just..." she trailed off not knowing what to say. In her position, I wouldn't either, this is awkward. Damon tells us that we are welcome anytime and starts joking about how Stefan wasn't always good looking. I chuckled slightly at that comment. Elena leaves after making some dramatic scene about Stefan being in her way when she could have just walked around him, but I stay, I wanna see this go down. Plus, I have to talk to Stefan and let him know what I am.

"Why are you still here?" Damon asked me, dropping the sweet act. "Well, I have been meaning to talk to Stefan and I wanna see the brother drama go down. You look like you're in trouble dude." I directed that last part to Damon. "Don't worry, you don't have to keep your human filters on, I know everything" I reasurred them. Damon vamp sped to me and slammed me against the wall, holding me by my throat.

"What do you know? And how?" he tried to compel me. "What put you in a bad mood?" I asked, only confusing him, as he backed away. "What are you?" He asked. I rubbed my throat as I spoke. "That's what I need to talk to Stefan about. You're welcome to join the conversation, Damon." I stated. Damon looked at me before speeding in front of me. "Or I could just kill you right here right now." He threatened.

I gave him and aneurysm. He fell to the ground grabbing his head. "You can try. But I think you'll want me as an alli instead of an enemy." I shrugged and stopped his aneurysm. After a few seconds he finnaly got up. I plopped on their couch and they did the same to the other couch across from me.

"So you're a witch? How?" Stefan asked after a couple seconds. "All I know is that there is a curse placed on my bloodline." I stated truthfully. "So, is Elena....?" Stefan asked again and trailed off I chuckled a bit. "No. She's not. And no. I'm not sure why. I left Mystic Falls to find someone who could help me control my magic. Most witches have to concentrate to be able to be able to use their magic. I need to control my emotions to keep my magic from destroying things. My friend, in New Orleans, helped with that. She's like a second sister to me." I say talking about my only two friends in New Orleans, Marcel, and Davina. The other witches in New Orleans hated that I was able to do magic freely and they weren't. Marcel had a soft spot for me. He was like a second father figure/brother.

"How do we know what you're saying is the truth?" Damons asked. I sighed and stood up "You don't. But you do know you can trust me. If I wanted to, I could have gone to the council the second I spotted Stefan, but I didn't" I pointed out. "She's right, Damon." Stefan added. I sent him a nod before I left and went back to my house. I walked in, just in time to see Jeremy give Jenna a thumbs up before saying "Parental authority, I like it" he started going back up stairs "Sleep tight." he told us in a sing-song voice. He was obviously high. I sighed before I went up to my room, not wanting to deal with him tonight.


I just got out of my shower and into my pajamas when I heard a knock on my door I looked up to see Elena. "Hey. What do you need?" I greeted and asked. "What did you and Stefan talk about after I left?" she asked me. She was clearly being insecure and jealous but I just reasurred her. "I just gave him the good ol' 'brake her heart and I brake you' speech. Nothing else. Why?" she chuckled "No reason. Goodnight, Ari" she sighed. "Goodnight, Lena" I said back using the nickname I haven't used for her since we were kids.

I went to sleep thinking happy thoughts but I had a nightmare that I was in the back of the car the night they went off Wickery Bridge. It wasn't fun to say the least. I think their death is affecting me a lot more then I want to let it. But I need to stay strong, for Elena and Jeremy. I left them all alone to deal with our parents death. I feel guilty. Maybe I should've come back sooner. I could've if I wanted to. But I didn't.


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