13. Jonas' End

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Okay jeez, I sleep in for one day and suddeny the world is upside down.  Tyler and the other werewolves were trying to break the Sun and Moon Curse.  They almost succeeded in getting Elena, which can't happen, even if we aren't blood, like at all, we are still Gilberts and I care for her.  Damon was torchered by the werewolves but thanks to Elijah that wasn't a problem for long.  Tyler along with Jules left, I think the rest of the werewolves are dead.  Elijah is daggered, which I don't fully agree with.  We would be dead right now if he hadn't save our asses.  Bonnie has enough power to kill an Original aka Klaus, I would help her but I tried to merge my energy with Davina one time, and she passed out and as powerful as Bonnie is I'm not sure if she'll be able to handle my magic with a powerful spell like that.  Overall not much harm done.

(her outfit of the chapter unless stated otherwise the shoes are just basic black boots)

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(her outfit of the chapter unless stated otherwise the shoes are just basic black boots)

Me and Damon were hanging out in the Salvatore living room when Elena walks in putting on her coat on.  Something is off "Good morning, Damon, Ariana." she greets.  Within a blink of an eye Damon has her against the wall with his hand wrapped around her throat.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave." "What is your problem?" she choked out.  "You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work." "You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb! Isn't she?"

Stefan comes running into the room, having heard the chaos "What the hell's going on here?" I saw his confused expression when he saw Elena.  "I don't know you tell me.  Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" Stefan rushes upstairs and we all follow him.  He pushes Katherine against the wall.

"What are you doing?!" "How could you do this?" "Stefan, you're hurting me." she tries to reason.  Something's off.  Katherine wouldn't say that.  Realisation hit me and I spun around to see Katherine in the doorway with her finger up to her lips.  This couldn't go on for much longer so I just let it play out. "Stop it, Katherine!"

"Stop what?  It's getting really easy being you." she smirks and I let out a few claps they all just look at me confused while Katherine still had her signature smirk on her face.  "What? You've gotta admit, she's getting pretty good at that." I point out and Katherine takes a sarcastic bow.


We are all sitting in the living room of the Salvatore house.  "What is she doing here?" Elena asked no one in particular.  Damon answered "When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon spat, still mad at himself I just pat his shoulder twice like 'it's okay buddy'.  "How's that possible?" Stefan asked.  "He's an Original.  They have all sorts of speacial tricks." she said in a 'duh' tone.  I just walk up to her pat her on the shoulder and said "I'm going back to sleep.  Don't wake me up unless someone is about to die."


"Um, hey, speaking of happy, would it freak you out if I started dating your brother?" Bonnie asks me and Elena out of nowhere.  "No not really I was waiting for you two to finally notice each other." I say, unphased by this.  Elena agrees with me and we continue our day.

Elena gets a call from Stefan they talk, I have no clue what about.  But the lights cut out so either I'm losing control or that's what they were talking about.

Jonas, Lukes father, who we apparently killed, showed up and broke a bunch of glasses on the bar.  Option number two it is.  I don't know what kind of magic he's using but it sure as hell is hard to fight.  I got a text saying that he was after Elena.  Oh, hell no.

Me and Bonnie run up to him to try to stop him but he puts his hand on our foreheads.  "Bonnie, Ariana!" is what I heard Matt yell before I pass out.


Bonnie and I wake up not too long after we come to my house with Jeremy.  It sucks that Jonas took our powers.  I feel like a part of me is missing.  Like theres this thing in the back of my mind telling me something is wrong.  A few mintues later Stefan and Elena get home.  Elena goes upstairs and Stefan asks if we checked the house.  "Why would we check the house?" I ask.

We hear a thud upstairs we all rush upstairs to find Jonas dead on the floor and Katherine with blood on her mouth.  "You're welcome." she says proudly.  Me and Bonnie crouch down next to him.  Bonnie tries to close his eyes but he shoots up and grabs our faces, we both screams and next thing I know Stefan snaps his neck,


I'm sittiing on the couch thinking about today when Stefan sits next to me.  "Hey are you good?" "Yeah.  I'm fine." "You're a bad lier." "Am not." "Tell me what's wrong." "Jonas took my magic tonight.  I miss it.  But I feel weirdly okay now.  Earlier I felt this horible feeling but it's gone now.  Maybe my body is getting used to not having magic." He just nods.

I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder.  He laid his head on mine.  "Why would he do that?  He knows what having magic feels like.  If anything as a fellow witch I should've been left unharmed, same for Bonnie." I felt my anger boil up and a vase exploded.  Mine and Stefan head perk up.

"Did you just..." he trailed off pointing to the broken vase.  It all clicks "Oh my gosh.  I am an idiot.  Stefan, when Jonas grabbed mine and Bonnies heads earlier he wasn't trying to hurt us.  He gave us our magic back." I said with a huge smile on my face.

He smiles with me and I hug him so happy I can barely stay in my seat.  "Okay, on such a good note I'm going to bed.  Goodnight Mr. Salvatore." he just chuckles and replies "Goodnight Miss Gilbert."


Okay I can admit this was kind of a filler chapter but I worked just as hard on it.  I have gone through my previous chapters and fixed any spelling or just flat out mistakes I've made.  So yeah.  Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter.  You guys have no idea how much it means to me that this book has over 100 reads and is around 50 reads away from 200?!  I honestly didn't think anyone would see this book but I'm so glad you did.  Thank you again for reading.  BYE FOR NOW <3

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